Meet the people who’ll love your business

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We’d like to thank all the businesses that touch our lives.

Every business brings so much more to the world than products and services, and it’s why Facebook would like to help you tell your business story. So we created Your Business Story. It’s a simple way for you to tell the world what you’re in business for. Because we’re in the business of helping your business grow. Create your business story and share it with the world today.

How Facebook works for businesses

You know your business

Whether you sell in person, online or through an app, you know what you’d like to do next as your business grows.

We know people

More than a billion people use Facebook to connect with friends, family and things that matter to them.

We connect businesses with people

Marketing on Facebook helps your business build lasting relationships with people and find new customers.

Success Stories

Lowe’s Home Improvement

Inspiring young homeowners

The Peach Truck

Mouth-watering campaign bears fruit

Sparkle in Pink

Winning conversions with slideshow ads


Video Ads: Testing What Works for Mobile Feed

April 20, 2016
Each day on average 100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook.1 And it’s estimated that mobile video will account for 75% of total mobile data traffic by 2020.2 As people watch more video on mobile devices, advertisers have a huge opportunity to use video to connect with their audience where they are spending their time: on mobile and in feed. But while advertisers consider investing more of their video advertising dollars into mobile, many are curious about the right way to build video creative for the small screen.
Earlier this year we shared some tips for video creative based on tests we ran. We’ve continued testing and learning since then, and today we’re sharing new insights and examples that add to our library of learnings about how advertisers can succeed with video in the mobile-feed environment. We are also introducing new features to make it easy for advertisers to plan and purchase ads on Facebook in ways that align to how they have traditionally bought television ads.
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Announcing New Partners for Ad Viewability Verification

April 19, 2016
Providing actionable and verified data to marketers is one of the most important ways we empower them to grow their businesses. As feed-based mobile advertising continues to grow in volume and capability, we are committed to supplying marketers with data they trust. That’s why last September we announced our partnership with Moat for independent verification of Facebook video ads metrics. Today we’re announcing additions to our list of ad verification partners that give marketers the data transparency they want.
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Join Our Webinar Series to Hone your Facebook Marketing Strategy

April 18, 2016
We created our webinar series to help marketers stay up-to-date on all the latest marketing tools and opportunities available through Facebook, Instagram and our other platforms. Created by the teams that helped develop these products and best practices, our webinars provide details on the best ways to connect with the people who matter to your business.
Take a look at our upcoming webinar topics to see if there’s an event you’d like to register for.
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Learn how to use Facebook to drive sales for your business.

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