

Americans for Less Secrecy, More Democracy. Contact: 202-332-6736

Unit: març de 2009

@OpenTheGov està bloquejat

Estàs segur que vols veure aquestos tuits? No es desblocarà @OpenTheGov per mirar-te'ls.

  1. The US is allegedly withholding info on & more in today's reads

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  2. A 2003 OLC memo says can hide info from Congress, & more in today's reads

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  3. Don't forget to RSVP for our Sep 9 Town Hall on Foreign Aid & Security Assistance Transparency

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  4. Retuitat per

    There's an ongoing conflict in intel and diplo community about what's considered classified

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  5. Retuitat per

    Talked Clinton email flap, lawsuits, FBI & political fallout on w/

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  6. . looks at amendments to that will decide its fate, & more of today's top reads

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  7. Check out the latest updates in our newsletter re: & more

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  8. Read more about the speakers for our 9/9 Town Hall on foreign aid, from &

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  9. Featured in our newsletter today: Public access to reports vital to US policymaking

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  10. Looking forward to a great discussion!

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  11. Join us Sept 9 for a Town Hall on in foreign aid & security assistance w/ &

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  12. Retuitat per

    . & I agree w/ cc

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  13. Cruz wants Obama to hand over the Russia missile report, and more in reads:

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  14. Retuitat per

    Our very own is speaking event Sept 9th in DC - Foreign Aid & Security Assistance Transparency

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  15. The FEC won't release its computer security study, and more in reads:

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  16. The IRM report for the US is out for public comment:

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  17. OpenTheGovernment segueix , , i 22 més
    • @radleybalko

      Writer/reporter/blogger for the Washington Post. Author of the book, Rise of the Warrior Cop.

    • @Accountable_Org

      Campaign for Accountability (CFA) uses research, litigation and aggressive communications to expose misconduct & malfeasance in public life.

  18. RT : How new CUI regime will change feds' day-to-day via

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  19. Updates in a drone case, new insight into the CIA's spying on the Senate, and more in reads:

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  20. Today's reads:

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