Situation Update

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The Russo-Iranian Military Coalition in Syria may be Deepening

The Russo-Iranian military coalition in Syria may be deeper than many have believed. The Iranian armed forces appear to be allowing Russian aircraft to use their military airfields in support of combat operations over Syria.

A Global Strategy for Combating al Qaeda and the Islamic State

Although the ongoing US-led airstrikes in Iraq and Syria demonstrate increased American resolve, the United States needs a new strategy to stop ISIS, al Qaeda, and affiliated groups: a counterinsurgency with ideological, security, diplomatic, economic, and political components.

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Daily News Brief

Iran News Round Up

  • President Hassan Rouhani stated that sanctions against Iran will be lifted by January 20.

Gulf of Aden Security Review

  • Yemen: Geneva delegations agree to prisoner exchange; anti-al Houthi sources report rumored al Houthi ceasefire violations; pro-al Houthi sources report rumored coalition ceasefire violations. Horn of Africa: IED blats hits SNA convoy in Afgoi, Lower Shabelle region; al Shabaab attempts to attack passenger buses in Mandera County, Kenya; clan militiaman kills SNA commander in Beledweyne, Hiraan region.