
How to lose the war on terror

After the terrorist strikes in Brussels this week that killed more than 30 people and wounded hundreds more, GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz immediately called for empowering law enforcement to "secure" Muslim neighborhoods in the U.S. That's a terrible idea no matter how much Americans...

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Our View

  • Contraception in the court

    Contraception in the court

    Representatives of The Little Sisters of the Poor and a host of other non-profit plaintiffs appeared before the now-eight justices of the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday to argue that the Affordable Care Act infringes on their religious beliefs. Their objection centers around employee contraceptive...

  • Transit's vital role

    If highways are the enemies of America's cities, then public transit has long been their most stalwart, if often underappreciated, ally. Two recent events have underscored the importance of fixed-rail transit to urban life and they both have a "Washington" connection — the one-day shutdown of the...

  • The Sun's Business and Civic Hall of Fame 2016 inductees

    The Sun's Business and Civic Hall of Fame 2016 inductees

    The Sun is pleased to announce the 12 inductees in the inaugural class of its Maryland Business and Civic Hall of Fame. They will be honored at an event in June and profiled in a special section of The Sun. 

Readers Respond

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  • Partisan appointments deserve opposition

    Let me see if I can understand what attorney Christopher J. Wright is saying about Merrick Garland ("A worthy Supreme Court nominee," March 21). The very last sentence of the first paragraph is telling. In it, the author states: "In any event, any reasonable person would conclude that objections...

  • What do dirt bikers really want?

    The dirt bikers are riding their vehicles illegally. I can't get away from that fact, can you ("Councilman cites Tray Walker's death as added motivation for city dirt bike park," March 19)? Who wants to live or work by a dirt bike park? Have you heard I-83 on a weekend? The city is considering providing...

  • City College protest was a distraction

    Regarding you article about the ruckus at Baltimore City College, when I attended the school it was to get an education ("City College students stage protest, ditch uniforms as 'forced assimilation,'" March 21). In order to get respect then one had to earn it. Protests got you nothing. John R. Schaffner,...

  • Kill the extremists

    The terrorist attack Tuesday in Brussels hopefully will finally open the eyes of the Obama administration and those who insist upon sticking their heads in the sand when it comes to radical Islamic terrorism ("Brussels attacks: 3rd bomb found; Americans hurt," March 22). I'm sick of hearing about...

  • Romney caught in a lie

    I guess it's good that American voters now know that Mormon politicians lie just like other politicians do ("The appalling anti-Trump movement," March 21). When Mitt Romney wanted Donald Trump's money and support, he was a great guy but now Mr. Trump is the worst thing that has happened to the GOP....

Online-Only Op-Eds

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  • Raw politics, not principle, drives GOP's Supreme Court obstinacy

    Raw politics, not principle, drives GOP's Supreme Court obstinacy

    Let's get one thing straight: There is not a single cherished principle involved in the Senate Republicans' refusal to hold confirmation hearings for Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama's Supreme Court nominee. Their opposition is entirely about partisan politics and appeasing the militant conservatives...

  • Trump not solely to blame for violence at his rallies

    Trump not solely to blame for violence at his rallies

    For the last few days the burning question among pundits has been: "How much blame does Donald Trump deserve for the violence at his rallies?" It's a fair question, and the obvious answer is: a lot. On Sunday, the demagogue paid his usual lip service to social norms, rejecting "violence in any...

  • In America these days, you can never be punished enough

    In America these days, you can never be punished enough

    We will call her Jane Doe. We really have no choice, given that that's the only identification found in the court document. Jane is 57, a Jamaica-born permanent U.S. resident living in New York City. She is a licensed nurse and a mother. She is also a convicted felon. In 2000, Jane, trying to raise...

  • A liberal garland for Garland

    A liberal garland for Garland

    Whenever I hear the words "centrist" or "moderate," especially when they come from The New York Times and The Washington Post, the words "liberal" and "cover-up" immediately come to mind. Since President Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, a confirmed conservative,...

  • The 2016 field narrows, on one side anyway

    The 2016 field narrows, on one side anyway

    Hillary Clinton's Tuesday sweep of five Democratic primaries puts her more securely in the lead for her party's presidential nomination. Yet despite Donald Trump's victory in four of the five Republican state contests, his path to the nomination still encourages resistance within his party. Ms....
