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American Cancer Society
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American Cancer Society

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Call for ideas: +Stand Up To Cancer and American Cancer Society #LungCancer Dream Team Grant:  
Call for ideas: Submit your ideas for the +Stand Up To Cancer – +American Cancer Society Lung Cancer Translational Research Dream Team. #SU2C
Sanka Jayasingha's profile photologurully13's profile photoBryan Roland's profile photo

Are you in pains or can not find cure for your sickness or disease?
Wipe your tears, we are here to cure you of whatever disease or
sickness you are battling right now.

We specialize in all kind of treatment and with the help of Almighty
God you will be well again, hurry now and contact us via email:


On 1/4/17, Bryan Roland <****@**> wrote:
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American Cancer Society

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Life after cancer should be a celebration. Join us in celebrating @National Cancer Survivors Day and share this to show your support for cancer survivors, their families, and friends. #NCSD2014
Felicia Sandoval's profile photoAllen Cable's profile photoCindy CORTES's profile photo
Cancer isn't fun and yes cancer isn't easy but we get throw it may take us
awhile to go throw it but we do it. More birthdays are exciting
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American Cancer Society

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Don't let the sun beat you down this summer. It's important to protect yourself from skin cancer, the most common of all cancer types. Share these images and stay safe this summer!
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David Robles MD PhD's profile photorick simpson's profile photo
Three years ago, after a prostate biopsy, I was given the diagnosis of aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma. I didn’t know what to do. The urologist made appointments for me to start radiation, and maybe chemo. Then a friend told me cannabis cures cancer. It just so happened that the first human trials of cannabis treatment of astrocytomas (inoperable brain cancer), were published with encouraging results. So I decided; rather than die from the medical treatment, I would do the cannabis cure. Now… where to get some. There was no dispensary in the area, but a friend made me cannabis butter, so I took that, up to tolerance. In three months the primary cancer was gone, only minor metastatic lesions were left. At that point I found a supplier for Rick Simpson oil and killed off the metastases in the next three months. Now I just take a maintenance dose of locally produced hash oil that is 1:1 THC:CBD with about a 30% potency. This will certainly keep me clear of cancer, anywhere, for ever.
My point in telling this story is the fact that in the face of advanced aggressive cancer, all I had was very weak cannabutter, but it was enough to eliminate the primary tumor. Now there are strains of 95% THC. But is this necessary? If you have cancer and want to pursue the cannabis treatment, any at all will be good. More important than extreme potency, is balance between THC and CBD. If you can get high potency, great. If not, common potencies will work perfectly.
Finally, if you choose cannabinoid treatment, start small, then increase dosage as rapidly as tolerable. To kill cancer you have to hit it hard, be conscientious about your treatment. Cannabis does no harm to the body, it is a metabolic support for the immune system.You can contact for your medication
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American Cancer Society

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Why get screened for colon cancer? Because testing can find it early, or even prevent it. Learn about all the different tests available, and talk with your doctor about the right test for you.
Shay “shayzzwayzz” Walsh's profile photoHabiballa Ahmed's profile photomazzon antonio's profile photo
Magic Ring is a powerful ring with magical
properties in it.
It bestows powers to the wearer. Now how
this ring
becomes magical. This magic ring is based
on the concept
of geology and positive energy of gem
stones. Also when
this Magic Ring is prepared lots of rituals
and ceremonies
are done on it and also positive energy is
infused in the ring
so that the ring gets charged and active and
when any one
will wear the ring, it will emit vibrations and
will connect
with the sub conscious mind power of the
wearer and will
do wonders. Also this Magic Ring can be
made in the form if
a pendant as there are many who are
comfortable in
wearing a Pendant and not a Ring.
This is the oldest, mystique and the most
powerful magic
ring. This power organized by the great
powerful magicians
(460-800B.C) and greatly improved by the
Pharos in Egypt.
RING is harmless in
any way to the devotee. The results of this
ring is so great
that this magic has now become well
established. This
power ring has got the powers of the angels
of the seven
planets. Now with this ring you will be the
most powerful
person in this whole world. This ring will
effect your stars
and will change you, give you success in
love, business,
make you look very attractive, protect you in
your journey, it
will prevent you from being fooled from
other people, great
miracles will come in your life, it will give
you good luck
and increase your personality, At the same
time you will be
the richest person in this world. You will
dominate other
peoples mind, change your bad luck into
good luck. With
this wonder ring you will even feel a
powerful force
protecting all around you from evil powers,
demons, witch
craft, black magic etc and even water and
fire will not be
able to harm you. All your enemies will
become dumb and
dare not talk bad about you. You will be the
main source of
attraction in every field.. And so this
powerful ring can do
great wonders, some of the few examples
that this wonder
ring can do is: it will give you promotions in
any field you
want, always in examinations you will
remember difficult
answers, it will attract the opposite sex,
who ever you want
or wish will come to you, in business sky is
the limit with
this ring, any type of lotteries, pools,
LOTTO'S , bingo's etc
will be won by you, you will be protected
from black
Contact the spiritual man by via email :
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American Cancer Society

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Colon cancer can be PREVENTED or found early with regular testing. Share this image to spread the word about how screenings can save lives:
jerry sloane parker's profile photomazzon antonio's profile photo
Magic Ring is a powerful ring with magical
properties in it.
It bestows powers to the wearer. Now how
this ring
becomes magical. This magic ring is based
on the concept
of geology and positive energy of gem
stones. Also when
this Magic Ring is prepared lots of rituals
and ceremonies
are done on it and also positive energy is
infused in the ring
so that the ring gets charged and active and
when any one
will wear the ring, it will emit vibrations and
will connect
with the sub conscious mind power of the
wearer and will
do wonders. Also this Magic Ring can be
made in the form if
a pendant as there are many who are
comfortable in
wearing a Pendant and not a Ring.
This is the oldest, mystique and the most
powerful magic
ring. This power organized by the great
powerful magicians
(460-800B.C) and greatly improved by the
Pharos in Egypt.
RING is harmless in
any way to the devotee. The results of this
ring is so great
that this magic has now become well
established. This
power ring has got the powers of the angels
of the seven
planets. Now with this ring you will be the
most powerful
person in this whole world. This ring will
effect your stars
and will change you, give you success in
love, business,
make you look very attractive, protect you in
your journey, it
will prevent you from being fooled from
other people, great
miracles will come in your life, it will give
you good luck
and increase your personality, At the same
time you will be
the richest person in this world. You will
dominate other
peoples mind, change your bad luck into
good luck. With
this wonder ring you will even feel a
powerful force
protecting all around you from evil powers,
demons, witch
craft, black magic etc and even water and
fire will not be
able to harm you. All your enemies will
become dumb and
dare not talk bad about you. You will be the
main source of
attraction in every field.. And so this
powerful ring can do
great wonders, some of the few examples
that this wonder
ring can do is: it will give you promotions in
any field you
want, always in examinations you will
remember difficult
answers, it will attract the opposite sex,
who ever you want
or wish will come to you, in business sky is
the limit with
this ring, any type of lotteries, pools,
LOTTO'S , bingo's etc
will be won by you, you will be protected
from black
Contact the spiritual man by via email :
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American Cancer Society

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Learn about the American Cancer Society's screening guidelines for the early detection of cancer in most adults.
Ange Ponce P.'s profile photoMegan Keating's profile photoMy Stomach Cancer Symptoms's profile photoAnnette Moccia's profile photo
Early detection of cancer includes mammograms at age 40 or earlier.  You are going to kill women with your new recommendation of age 45.  I would be dead now if I started my mammograms at 45.  Why are you recommending this?
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American Cancer Society

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Join the live Hangout today at 2pm EDT with GE Healthcare and our experts about #cancer and #HealthyHabits
What is stopping people from making healthy lifestyle changes that could lead to cancer risk reduction? What can you do about it?

Join this Google Hangout and hear from:
Jason Morgan, Director of GE Healthcare HealthAhead
Colleen Doyle, MS, RD, Director, Nutrition and Physical Activity, American Cancer Society
Carter Steger, Senior Director, State and Local Campaigns, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
This Hangout On Air is hosted by GE Healthcare. The live video broadcast will begin soon.
Barriers to Healthy Habits
Mon, June 23, 2014, 2:00 PM
Hangouts On Air - Broadcast for free

Earl Foster's profile photoDuard Ararao's profile photoHiggins Torin Lachey's profile photojames illuminatti's profile photo
All these post about HERBAL MEDICINE and spell casters are scammers and fake trying to collect money all in the name of HERPES cure and when you contact them, they will be asking for your name,

pictures, country, phone number, occupation and when you have given them all the information, they will be asking for money. I was once suffering from GENETIC HERPES and i spent a lot of money

going from one herbal doctor to another but they all scam and take my money away until i came in contact with this powerful one called Dr. OJOKU ONOSS who cured me from Herpes with his herbal

medication , after doctor OJOKU ONOSS has finished preparing the herbal medicine, he asked me to send him my residential address, so that he will send the herbal medicine to via D.H.L so i did. 2days

later, i received the herbal medicine and i had to follow the instructions he gave to me on how i will apply it. 2weeks later i went to hospital for test and according to the test done by the Medical doctor

philip it stated that i was cured.
So viewers be wise and beware of fake spell casters and fake herbal doctors, they are all over the internet trying to steal from poor people. I will drop you the email of this powerful herbal doctor just in

case you wish to contact him for help. OR whatAspp him on +2348056377915 or call +2348119886007

14. Male menopause
15. Menopause – male
16. Menopause – peri
17. Menstruation problems
18. Mercury Poisoning
19. Migraine
20. Miscarriage
21. Mites (demodex mites)
22. Mites (scabies mites)
23. Motion sickness
24. Mouth ulcer
25. MRSA
26. Multiple sclerosis
27. Muscle cramps
28. Myodesopsia
29. Stroke
30. He can as well

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American Cancer Society

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Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all who have served. Share this image if someone in your life has served our country.
Hilmon Stigler jr's profile photoMichael East's profile photosusan green's profile photologurully13's profile photo

My Humble request to American cancer society,

You people doing a god's job and save many cancer patient life.

Please any one come to this place

" Mr. Narayana Murthy is an Ayurveda practitioner
living in a village called Narasipura
in the Shimoga district of Karnataka, India "

and prove the medicine scientifically has cure or control the cancer cells from spreading.

Ultimately we all need one thing to "WIN CANCER" to stay with our loved once.

Hope you consider my request. Waiting for your valuable reply.


Sri Narsipura Subbaiah Narayana Murthy, A Medicine Man in Shimoga (Shivamogga) - Awareness on Cancer
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American Cancer Society

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This Friday is Don't Fry Day, a day to raise your sun safety awareness. Check out the many different ways you can protect your skin this summer in this shareable infographic!
Don Reed's profile photoLouis Powell's profile photoHope Paul's profile photoCintia Paola's profile photo
With deep sense of humor and gratitude in my heart, i sincerely thank Rick Simpson for helping me cure my Stage iv Lungs Cancer. After much consultation i contacted him via email: were i procured the oil, I fought the cancer with the help of Rick and also reading success stories and today i am cancer FREE. I share this life saving story with a heart full of joy and God bless you Rick.

Your sincerely
Cintia Paola
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American Cancer Society

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Making the switch from fast food and prepared meals to a healthier diet can seem daunting and expensive. However, by following a few simple tips to help you plan and shop, you can actually save money while eating better. Try these tips to get started on the right track.
Jacki McKee's profile photomazzon antonio's profile photo
Magic Ring is a powerful ring with magical
properties in it.
It bestows powers to the wearer. Now how
this ring
becomes magical. This magic ring is based
on the concept
of geology and positive energy of gem
stones. Also when
this Magic Ring is prepared lots of rituals
and ceremonies
are done on it and also positive energy is
infused in the ring
so that the ring gets charged and active and
when any one
will wear the ring, it will emit vibrations and
will connect
with the sub conscious mind power of the
wearer and will
do wonders. Also this Magic Ring can be
made in the form if
a pendant as there are many who are
comfortable in
wearing a Pendant and not a Ring.
This is the oldest, mystique and the most
powerful magic
ring. This power organized by the great
powerful magicians
(460-800B.C) and greatly improved by the
Pharos in Egypt.
RING is harmless in
any way to the devotee. The results of this
ring is so great
that this magic has now become well
established. This
power ring has got the powers of the angels
of the seven
planets. Now with this ring you will be the
most powerful
person in this whole world. This ring will
effect your stars
and will change you, give you success in
love, business,
make you look very attractive, protect you in
your journey, it
will prevent you from being fooled from
other people, great
miracles will come in your life, it will give
you good luck
and increase your personality, At the same
time you will be
the richest person in this world. You will
dominate other
peoples mind, change your bad luck into
good luck. With
this wonder ring you will even feel a
powerful force
protecting all around you from evil powers,
demons, witch
craft, black magic etc and even water and
fire will not be
able to harm you. All your enemies will
become dumb and
dare not talk bad about you. You will be the
main source of
attraction in every field.. And so this
powerful ring can do
great wonders, some of the few examples
that this wonder
ring can do is: it will give you promotions in
any field you
want, always in examinations you will
remember difficult
answers, it will attract the opposite sex,
who ever you want
or wish will come to you, in business sky is
the limit with
this ring, any type of lotteries, pools,
LOTTO'S , bingo's etc
will be won by you, you will be protected
from black
Contact the spiritual man by via email :
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American Cancer Society

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If you quit for the Great American Smokeout, but started smoking again, spring is a great time to give it another shot. Or if you are just now making the decision to quit, we're here for you any time of the year. There are many reasons to stop smoking, and our guide to quitting smoking can help you #quitforgood.
Louis Powell's profile photoMboutidem Emmanuel's profile photoJacki McKee's profile photoHabiballa Ahmed's profile photo
الامل الجديد لمرضى السرطان 
يا لبساطة علاج السران
بذل الاباء كثيرا في علاجه
اسمعتم عن المغربية التي تعالجت من السرطان بماء زمزم
فرضيتي تحتاج الى من له قدرة معامل ليجربها
توصلت مبدئيا الي ان السرطان هو اتحاد بين خلية بروتونية وخلية من كريات الدم الحمراء
عنها يصبح للخلية البروتونية القدرة في الانقسام. الذاتي لانها تستطيع ان تحرق الغذاء
اذا ما هي الخلايا المسببة للسرطان فرضيتي تقل كريات الدما الحمراء هي السبب تلتصق مع خلايا بروتونية
كيفة ذلك:
عندما نجبر الانسان لفترات طويلة ان لا يشرب مياه طبيعية فيها املاح طبيعة من مياه الابار تختل نسبة اليونات في الجسم .... اي عندم يشرب مياه محلية نسبة الاملاح فيها محسوبة
تختل ايونية البلازما
تصبح الهلايا في وسيط بلازمي غير طبيعي هذه الخلايا اكثر خلايا تاثرا بالتاين في السائل البلازمي في الدم هم الخلايا الحمراء لانها ذو طبيعة مؤكسدة همو جلاتين. وثانيا هي الماده الغذائية الكلسترول. تصبح خلايا الدم الحمراء بدلا من ان اتحادها مع الاكسجين او اكسيد الكربون تتلاصق او تتقترب او تتحد مع الخلايا البروتونية. في العملية الايضية لحرق الغذاء تقم الخلية البروتونية الحية بتحطيم خلايا كريات الدم الحمرا وتنتزع عنصر الهيمو وقد تحول الجلاتين الي عملية حرق ومادة غذائية وهنا تصبحالخلية البروتونية التي يجب ان تكن مصمدة خلية متحررة وجدت بيئة صالحة للنمو والانقسام كاظاهرة الاستنساخ. وتزداد الخلايا الشاردة وتصبح بؤر سرطانية تسبب الدمار او تصبح مستعمرات وتنتشر عند تراكمها وتحطم مقدرة الجسم الايوني للسائل البلازمي الذي كان يجعلها مصمدة للاستفادة منها وفق هندسية خلايا الجسم العام.  وترتكز معظم الخلاياء عند نقاط انعكاس اتجاه الدم لان تلك النقاط مثل الغدد او مناطق كثيرة في الجسم لان تلك النقاط تعمل عمل يخدم الخلايا التي التصقت فيها كريات الدم الحمراء تعمل عمل يمكن ان نشبهه بالطرد المركزي لان السيولة الدموية لاقت نقطة فيها تعديل اتجاهها. وهنا تنفرد مادة الكلسترول نسبيا وتقتنص  هذه الخلايا الفرصة وتاخذها كمادة بروتونية غذائية
تحليل :
حبيب الله ابكر محمد احمد
سوداني مقيم بالسعودية
اذا اعادة السائل البلازمي لطبيعته تكن بشرب كمية مياه طبيعة من الابار لاعادة الجسم لطبيعيها اذا قول النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ماء زمزم لما شرب لها . يمكن ان تكن خاصية الاملاح التي في ماء زمزم اكثر تركيزا ويمكن ان تكن هناك نسبة تاين _ او + اكثر اعاد لتلك الفتاة المغربية توازنها الايوني قي جسمها . اذا علاج السرطان شرب كوب ماء من المياه العسرة مياه الابار يوميا قد تساعد في علاج السرطان وقطعا باذن الله تقي من امراض السرطان وضعف القلب... ولكن للذين اصيبوا بالسرطان فان ومن تجربة علاجي العشبي  ان الجسم سيعيد تواذنه لكن سوف تختلق لنا مشكلة عرضية الا وهي ستعود كريات الدم الحمراء ونسبة لان الجسم او لسبب اخر لا اعلم اصبح يضخ كميات تعويضة او ينتج كميات تعوضية من كريات الدم الحمراء فسيصاب المريض عند علاجة بذيادة عالية في نسبة الهموغلوبين قد تصل الي 160 في المئة وتسبب مرض الزبحة الصدرية اذا يكن العلاج مرافق له قياس نسبة زيادة الدم .... اما دوائي العشبي فهو بسيط ..... سوف اذكره في ايام لاحقة اذا وجدت الجهة التي تعيد تحليله مخبريا وتبحث عن نسبة اضراره ونسبة فوائده. ولكن مقدما شربة ماء من ميا فيها نسبة الاملاح طبيعة من الابار قد تعالج وتقي مريض السرطان . اي ان نسبة اليود ادت الي ان تقليل امراض الغدة الدرقية وغيرها اذا منطقيا نجد انه يمكن؟؟؟؟ ولكن بقى لنا الاختبارات المعملية ......
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American Cancer Society

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Are you a health care provider? Learn about survivors' ongoing needs and how to care for these patients, and improve your ability to provide follow-up care through this FREE cancer #survivorship e-learning series:
Sarah Kossman's profile photoLouis Powell's profile photo
After 37 years I quit smoking no pills , patches ,I tried it all but I did it  all natural. check out my e book on Amazon and i can help you quit ( Yes I`m Proud To Be A Quitter ) By Louis Powell*Version*=1&*entries*=0
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