So you decide to buy an umbrella stroller for its convenience and portability. However, you are overwhelmed at so many seemingly similar models. What to choose? The very first step you should take is doing your research on umbrella stroller review. Not everyone succeeds in buying the right product at first try and by learning from the actual experience of other people, you can find the best umbrella stroller you need. After reading tons of umbrella stroller reviews, ask yourself the following question before you deciding on a specific model:


  • How much are you willing to spend?

In general, umbrella strollers are considered the least expensive among all types of strollers. There is, however, a clear difference in price between a high quality umbrella stroller and a poorly made one. If you only have some 30-60 dollars to spend, you can forget about those with advanced feature or made from expensive materials and spend time finding one with cheap price but reasonable quality.  

However, if money is not your concern at all, you will generally want an umbrella stroller with the best quality for your babies; in this case you can just skim through cheap models and set your eyes on brand name and expensive products instead. Knowing how much you can spend on the product is absolutely important before you place an order online or walk into a store.

  • How long do you intend to use it?

If you truly want to buy an umbrella stroller that can last for a long time, you must choose a sturdy one with high quality.  This is especially important when you want the stroller to grow and adapt with your baby.  Such a product won’t come cheap; probably you need to pay over 200 dollars for it but in the long run, you will find that it is a smart investment. High quality products tend to be durable, reliable and safe for use; therefore you don’t have to replace your stroller any time soon or can even use it until your kid doesn’t need to stay in this stroller anymore.

On the other hand, if you don’t intend to use the umbrella stroller for long or this purchase is just for temporary solution, you don’t necessarily have to pay quite a sum on it. That being said, don’t just settle on any cheap models. The comfort and safety of children always come first so even if you choose a cheap model, make sure it has decent to good quality. A flimsy stroller can easily tip over or collapse, which is very dangerous when you baby is in it, plus you have to spend more on a new one anyway.

  • How often will you use it?

You may need to use your umbrella stroller frequently on your trips or run daily errands. Or probably, you just need this stroller when you visit your parents with the baby once in a while. There is no need to spend a lot on the type of stroller you intend to use for a few time; a cheap one with decent quality maybe just what you need. But a regularly used umbrella stroller is absolutely worth you investment and attention. Its quality should be good, its material, wheels and frame need to be able to withstand daily wears and tears and there are features you need such as an effective canopy or cup holder. You will also need some storage for basic stuff like towels or at least a place where you can hang your diaper bag.

  • Where do you intend to use it most often?

Do you intend to take this umbrella with you on your trips often? Consider the product size carefully then because it should be able to fit in the boot of your car. Do you take it with you when you get on public transports like taxis or buses almost every day? In that case, you want your stroller to be very compact and easily folded.  It is best that you choose an umbrella stroller which you can collapse or push with just one hand while you are holding the baby or doing other stuff like taking a phone call.  Also, the stroller seat should easily recline so that you baby can comfortably take a nap in it.

If you mainly intend to push the stroller around the neighborhood for a walk, your choice is much less complicated for sure.

Choosing a suitable umbrella stroller is an important decision to make because it is not just about you and your convenience: it is mainly about the children’s safety and comfort. Asking yourself these above 4 questions will help you narrow down your choices and save you a lot of time and efforts.