3rd Party Events

Thank you for your interest in the Childhelp 3rd Party Fundraising Program. Third Party Events are fundraisers benefiting Childhelp which are coordinated and implemented by an individual, a group or a company in the community. From hosting a dinner party, to organizing a golf tournament or tennis match, to donating proceeds from product sales, there are countless ways that you can raise funds to help further the mission of Childhelp. You can support Childhelp by being a part of the fundraising program and hosting your own event.

We provide you with a great fundraising platform so whether you are an busy mom or a community leader, you are in the right place. When you get your community involved to raise funds you’re helping Childhelp provide much needed programs and services for abused, neglected and at-risk children.  As a Childhelp 3rd Party Fundraiser, you will receive access to our logo, tax ID and a team of knowledgeable event staff to assist you in your fundraising as well as a listing to your event details on the Childhelp National website where supporters can contribute to your efforts.

Please register your event or how you plan to fund raise so that Childhelp may review your proposal. We understand that all details may not be available at the time of your submission, but please fill out the form to the best of your knowledge. If our team has any questions, we will contact you within two business days.

The following guidelines provide helpful information for planning a successful fundraising event and generally define the extent to which Childhelp can provide services for your event, however additional policies and procedures may apply.

If you have any questions, please contact (480) 922-8212 or kvossler@childhelp.org.


If you are interested in hosting a 3rd Party Event, please complete the form below and send to kvossler@childhelp.org. 

3rd Party Event Request Form

Sample Budget

Sample Donation Reports (Goods Exchanged and No Goods Exchanged)