Michael Tomasky


Daily Beast, Democracy journal, NY Review of Books. And buy my e-book Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!: The Beatles and America, Then and Now.

Washington DC
Se unió en marzo de 2010

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  1. Boy, Len Dawson, Otis Taylor, Mike Garrett, and Willie Lanier are playing great tonight. (i.e., Chiefs haven't been this good since then.)

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  2. retwitteó

    In less than 72hrs, 85,000 have signed my petition to for poisoning Flint water. Let's make it 100K

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  3. retwitteó

    Mike Piazza--and Me via WeeklyStandard here's the cover from

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  4. retwitteó

    NH GOP poll - Trump 31.7% Jeb(!) 11.9% Kasich 11.8% Christie 11% Cruz 9.7% Rubio 8.9% Fiorina 4.6% Carson 3.8% (LVs/MoE 3.1%)

  5. Here I come, lookout!!!!

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  6. Back when the Beatles wore 'em they were called "Cuban-heeled boots" so I guess it don't surprise me that a Cuban guy wears them.

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  7. Yeah, come on, Rahn!

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  8. Low fat scrapple. Now that's a concept!

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    Enlace permanente de imagen incrustada
  9. New Column: Trumps says crazy/false thing. Dominates news for 3 days. Repeat. Endless. Sickening. via

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  10. Anderson wtf was that? really.

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  11. Thanks!

  12. Nice piece here on which I edit. Journal Offers Democrats Ideas on How to Be ‘Change’ via

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  13. retwitteó

    "NAFTA's specter may haunt Keystone verdict." - me, almost one year ago

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  14. Here's a thing I wrote for the new redesigned web site to kick things off in what we call The Alcove.

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  15. Thanks! Seconded!

  16. From new 16 New Ideas for 2016 from many others.

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  17. Here's the thing that's wrong with US air travel that no one ever talks about. Eye-opening, from new

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  18. By from new the shameful decline of Chmber of Cmmrce. Great piece.

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  19. retwitteó

    Read this short, provocative, fascinating piece on restoring moderates to Congress by in : .

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  20. Michael Tomasky siguió a , y

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