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  1. Lack of rural broadband access is how many zeroes worth of problem?

    مُترجَمة من الإنجليزية بواسطة

  2. Colorado's rejection of media certification for sparks ethics, First Amendment concerns.

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  3. Trump draws thousands of supporters in Sen. Bernie Sander’s backyard.

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  4. Looks like the former WI John Doe special prosecutor has failed to comply with a state Supreme Court order.

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  5. What kind of stories exposing government waste, abuse, & injustice can we expect to see in 2016? Glad you asked:

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  6. Lack of rural broadband access in Tennessee is how many zeroes worth of problem?

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  7. Colorado lawmakers have set up a system of media certification that raises ethical and constitutional concerns.

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  8. مُعاد تغريدها

    Here Are The Nominees For Washington’s ‘Porker Of The Year' via

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  9. مُعاد تغريدها

    Taxpayers paid $600,000 to fund a movie about Mickey Mouse. See 50 other ways the government wastes taxpayer money.

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  10. "Berned": draws thousands of supporters in Bernie’s backyard.

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  11. Former Wisconsin John Doe prosecutor not in compliance with court order; lack of info telling...

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  12. Set your DVR: will re-run special featuring stories of John Doe targets TONIGHT at 7 p.m. Central.

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  13. : Today’s fraudster got unlucky when she tried to steal $117,524 from multiple benefits programs.

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  14. Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin campaigned on ending his predecessor’s expansion, but now plans to continue it.

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  15. The Colorado Supreme Court overseas the dept that investigates judges, but a Denver attorney wants to change that.

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  16. President Obama, Gov. Walker fall in latest Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce poll.

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  17. On guns, Vermonters 'feeling the bern' for Trump after Obama announces new executive orders.

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  18. Are forced union dues key to 'labor peace' for public workers? New study says no:

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  19. With their 21-day window closing, feds shuttle illegal migrants around Texas. reports

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  20. This amendment would curb Colorado judicial discipline system's conflict of interest.

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