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Trump draws thousands of supporters in Bernie’s backyard

By   /  January 8, 2016  /  Issues, News, Politics & Elections, Vermont  /  No Comments

Photo by Bruce Parker

Donald Trump campaigned in Bernie Sanders’ hometown on Thursday, entertaining large crowds with pro-America statements and trademark Trump humor.

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On guns, Vermonters ‘feeling the bern’ for Trump

By   /  January 6, 2016  /  Issues, News, Politics & Elections, Vermont  /  No Comments

AP file photo

Despite differences on some issues, when it comes to President Obama’s new gun control orders, Vermonters may be more like Donald Trump and less like Bernie Sanders.

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GOP lawmakers seek Democrats to help save Vermont’s school choice

By   /  January 6, 2016  /  Education, Issues, News, Vermont  /  No Comments

Photo by Bruce Parker

Republican lawmakers back in session in Vermont say they want to save school choice, and are calling on the state’s majority party to help them do it.

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Lawmakers to defend taxpayers in fight over education spending cap

By   /  January 4, 2016  /  Budget and Spending, Education, Issues, News, State Budgets, Vermont  /  No Comments

Shutterstock Image

As state lawmakers return for the start of the 2016 legislative session, a fight is already raging over the spending caps in Vermont’s new education reform law — and property taxpayers have a big stake in the outcome.

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Watchdog’s Scariest People of 2015: No. 14

By   /  December 30, 2015  /  Education, News, Vermont  /  No Comments

Rebecca Holcombe

Part 12 of 25 in the series Watchdog’s Scariest People of 2015

In 2015, school choice in Vermont seemed to have miraculously survived a government power grab aimed at consolidating the state’s 277 school districts.
That’s until the Vermont State Board of Education ruled in September that school-choice districts must give up their educational freedom if they […]

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Bernie’s favorite policies failing badly in Vermont

By   /  December 28, 2015  /  News, Vermont  /  No Comments

Photo by Bruce Parker

On the campaign trail in nearby New Hampshire, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders bangs the drum for a carbon tax and single-payer health care — despite the failure of both in his home state of Vermont.

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