New Jersey weights charter school lottery to favor low-income families

By   /  December 17, 2015  /  Education, Education Blog, New Jersey  /  No Comments

ARE SIGNS POINTING to an ouster of New Jersey's double-dipping sheriffs?

For the first time, New Jersey is allowing a weighted lottery that favors low-income students vying for a spot in a charter school.
Critics have said that the Hoboken Dual Language Charter School , which provides instruction in English and Spanish, has a lower percentage of minority students than the district at large, and have accused […]

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Four-state study shows strong support among blacks for school choice

By   /  November 24, 2015  /  Alabama, Education, Education Blog, Louisiana, New Jersey, Tennessee  /  No Comments

AP file photo

A recent survey by the Black Alliance for Educational Options shows that black voters support school choice by a wide margin.
This survey of 2,400 African-American voters in four states found that they support a parent’s ability to choose the school that is best for their children — and indicated they are ready to vote those beliefs in some cases.

“Black voters are […]

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NJ corruption case undermines Christie claims as prosecutor

By   /  November 12, 2015  /  New Jersey, New Jersey Big Stories, News, Open Records, Pensions, Politics & Elections, Power Abuse  /  No Comments

Governor's Office

On the presidential campaign trail, Chris Christie boasts that he was a no-nonsense prosecutor above politics. But back in New Jersey, his administration has been trying to bury a corruption case involving Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, his second-in-command.

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Appeals court orders release of NJ corruption probe records

By   /  November 12, 2015  /  New Jersey, New Jersey Big Stories, News, Open Records, Pensions, Power Abuse  /  No Comments

Governor's Office/Tim Larsen

A New Jersey appeals court has ruled the state must release two confidential state records from a corruption probe involving Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno to New Jersey Watchdog. As New Jersey’s second-in-command, Guadagno frequently serves as acting governor when Chris Christie travels outside the state on presidential campaign trips.

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Christie misses cut for prime-time GOP debate

By   /  November 5, 2015  /  New Jersey, New Jersey Big Stories, News, Politics & Elections  /  No Comments

Governor's Office/ Mykwain Gainey

Poor poll numbers will keep Chris Christie off the main stage for next Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate on Fox Business Network.
The New Jersey governor missed the cut by one quarter of a percentage point. The exclusion could trigger a death spiral for Christie’s candidacy.

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Election over, 16 New Jersey sheriffs still double-dip

By   /  November 5, 2015  /  New Jersey, New Jersey Big Stories, News, Pensions  /  No Comments

iStock photo

This week’s election did nothing to change the fact that three-fourths of New Jersey sheriffs are double-dippers.

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