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Watchdog’s Scariest People of 2015: No. 10

By   /   December 31, 2015  /   No Comments

Part 16 of 25 in the series Watchdog's Scariest People of 2015

Now that Christmas is over and the New Year beckons, it’s time for Watchdog.org’s annual parade of malfeasance and miscreants.

The Scariest People of 2015 is a frightening list indeed, filled with bureaucrats and functionaries who, shall we say, do not share an affinity for liberty.

No one can stop them from plying their trade — bad government is as old as government. But we can keep an eye on them, report their misdeeds to the world and once in a while help the good guys win.

Through New Year’s Day, we’ll highlight the most egregious examples of nanny statism, overweening bureaucracy and just plain old bad government from the past 12 months, encompassing local, state and federal officialdom.

Here’s No. 10.

Verdaillia Turner, president of the Georgia Federation of Teachers, recently stirred up controversy when she compared school choice to murder, saying that Atlanta’s designation as one of the top cities for school choice is “like saying Chicago is the most murder-friendly city in the nation.”

Of course, that analogy simply doesn’t track. School choice breaks cycles of poverty, provides equal opportunity and even makes kids safer (unlike, you know, murder) by getting them into higher-quality schools. This kind of language from teachers and teachers unions misrepresents school choice and qualifies Turner for a spot on the top 10 list of scariest people of the year.

Part of 25 in the series Watchdog's Scariest People of 2015


Amelia Hamilton is a blogger and author of the Growing Patriots children's books. A lifelong writer and patriot, she also loves hockey, old cars, old movies and apple juice. Amelia has a master’s degree in both English and 18th-century history from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Her dog Virgil is her co-pilot.