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The New Mission was an important part of my young life (as well as the Grand Theater). Pretty much love everything the Alamo is doing. Really love the fact that the such as beautiful job was done bringing this venue back to life. A venue that several generations of my family patronized from the 1920s on, and that it was not leveled or turned another annex for evil Academy of Art College. To the complainers: You're adults (allegedly). You might have wanted to read up on the company and their mission statement (I did ten years ago and was a fan before they even came to California). If you don't like the way they do things (which has been very successful across the country), you have a wide range of theater choices in San Francisco. Variety is the spice of life and this is just about one movie theater, and your problems with it are patently First World. Remember, special snowflakes, service cannot be 100% to your singular worldview. Perhaps talking to a manager or someone at the service desk would be better than venting on a FB page. But, let's put this all into perspective; you're complaining about smelling the food being served when children are starving in poverty (no one has ever sat next to you with buttered popcorn or a hotdog before?), what a sheltered life you've had. Perhaps, it might be more to your speed to patronize a suburban cineplex or perhaps just Netflix and Chill, so no one can possibly offend you. Because being an adult is hard, the world is frightening, and life is pain. Keep up the good work, Alamo! You're pissing off all of the right people, and making the rest of us happy in the process. Now, I can be in a theater with people who appreciate what you're doing and who really get it — a civilized theater-going experience — thank you!