Watchdog’s Scariest People of 2015: No. 22

By   /  December 28, 2015  /  Energy and Environment, Health Care, News, Ohio, Politics & Elections  /  No Comments

Photo: State of Ohio

Part 4 of 25 in the series Watchdog’s Scariest People of 2015

Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s presidential campaign has gone nowhere even though top-tier candidates haven’t bothered to attack his support for Obamacare. When the last fumes of gas in the Kasich for Us Bus run out, the Republican will return his attention to Ohio; this might be the scariest news of […]

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Ohio town adds purple parking for Purple Heart recipients

By   /  December 24, 2015  /  News, Ohio  /  No Comments

Photo credit City of Warren

Purple parking spaces are popping up all over public parking lots in Warren, Ohio

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Ohio teachers union officials are paid twice as much as teachers

By   /  December 18, 2015  /  Labor, News, Ohio  /  No Comments

Photo credit: YouTube

Ohio’s largest labor union is in the business of selling worker “solidarity,” and for union bosses, business is good.

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Natural Areas Council shows why shrinking government is so hard

By   /  December 17, 2015  /  News, Ohio  /  No Comments

Scenic Rivers

One of the items for review at Monday’s meeting was the Natural Areas Council, which the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has been trying to get rid of for years.

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Ohio law forces teachers to fund left-wing union politics

By   /  December 17, 2015  /  Labor, News, Ohio  /  No Comments

Photo credit: Facebook

For Jade Thompson and thousands of other Ohio educators, a narrow window for avoiding certain teachers union fees opens this month.

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Magnet school applications soar in Cincinnati

By   /  December 16, 2015  /  Education, Education Blog, Ohio  /  No Comments

(FILE PHOTO) School-Voucher Program Supporters

Applications to Cincinnati’s magnet schools have risen by 42 percent (500 applications) for the 2016-17 school year over this year. In previous years, some spots were saved for parents on a first-come first-served basis while the rest are distributed in a lottery. This led to parents camping out for weeks outside of the most popular […]

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