Suburbs want say on Jackson airport’s operation

By   /  January 8, 2016  /  Economy, Jobs + Growth, Mississippi, News, State Government  /  No Comments

Photo by Steve Wilson

A proposed law would change the makeup of the board governing Jackson’s airport and give the suburban counties a seat at the table.

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Kemper power plant could face more delays

By   /  January 7, 2016  /  Economy, Energy and Environment, Mississippi, News, State Government  /  No Comments

Photo by Mississippi Power

More delays could be ahead for the Kemper Project “clean coal” power plant and two intervenors want a new hearing on a Mississippi Power rate increase.

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Lights, cameras, moolah: Taxpayers lose on 2015 film incentives

By   /  January 6, 2016  /  Budget and Spending, Jobs + Growth, Mississippi, News, State Budgets, State Government  /  No Comments

The logo of the Mississippi Film Office

Mississippi taxpayers gave nearly $4 million in film incentives in 2015 to filmmakers to bring their productions to the Magnolia State.

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Watchdog’s Scariest People of 2015: No. 19

By   /  December 29, 2015  /  Energy and Environment, Mississippi  /  No Comments

Photo illustration by Steve Wilson

Part 7 of 25 in the series Watchdog’s Scariest People of 2015

Now that Christmas is over and the New Year beckons, it’s time for’s annual parade of malfeasance and miscreants.
The Scariest People of 2015 is a frightening list indeed, filled with bureaucrats and functionaries who, shall we say, do not share an affinity for […]

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Elections, Kemper Project topped Mississippi news in 2015

By   /  December 29, 2015  /  Accountability, Economy, Energy and Environment, Jobs + Growth, Mississippi, News, Politics & Elections, regulations, State Budgets, State Government  /  No Comments

Photo by the state of Mississippi

Civil asset forfeiture, the Kemper Project and the election dominated in the news in Mississippi in 2015.

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Mississippi Economic Council wants tax increase for highways

By   /  December 23, 2015  /  Budget and Spending, Economy, Mississippi, News, State Budgets, State Government  /  No Comments


The state’s largest business group wants a tax increase to help pay for highway maintenance and construction in Mississippi.

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