This page contains links to selected publications recently published on the BLS website.
A list of all recent publications can be found on What's New from BLS.

Week of March 11–15, 2013

News Releases

  • Real Earnings - February 2013. USDL-13-0426 (HTML) (PDF)
  • Consumer Price Index - February 2013. USDL-13-0425 (HTML) (PDF)
  • Department Store Inventory - February 2013. (HTML) (PDF)
  • Producer Price Indexes - February 2013. USDL-13-0424 (HTML) (PDF)
  • U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes - February 2013. USDL-13-0423 (HTML) (PDF)
  • Job Openings and Labor Turnover - January 2013. USDL-13-0422 (HTML) (PDF)
  • Employer Costs for Employee Compensation - December 2012. USDL-13-0421 (HTML) (PDF)

Spotlight on Statistics

The Editor's Desk

Commissioner's Corner

  • Commissioner's Corner: Have you been wondering how recent productivity growth has varied by industry and how these trends relate to recent changes in hours worked, employment, prices, or compensation in the industries? Wonder no more, because this week BLS published a new edition of Spotlight on Statistics that examines industry labor productivity trends from 2000 to 2010. The Spotlight features charts and analysis of trends in how efficiently labor is used in the production of goods and services. (March 15, 2013)

Upcoming News Releases

  • Regional and State Employment and Unemployment (Monthly)
    Monday, March 18, 2013 (10:00 AM)
  • Green Goods and Services
    Tuesday, March 19, 2013 (10:00 AM)
  • Employment Situation of Veterans
    Wednesday, March 20, 2013 (10:00 AM)
  • Productivity and Costs by Industry: Manufacturing Industries
    Thursday, March 21, 2013 (10:00 AM)
  • Mass Layoffs (Monthly)
    Friday, March 22, 2013 (10:00 AM)
  • Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment (Monthly)
    Friday, March 22, 2013 (10:00 AM)

More upcoming news releases »

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