Welcome to the Colorado General Assembly's official website
The First Regular Session of the Seventieth General Assembly adjourned on May 6, 2015.
The Second Regular Session of the Seventieth General Assembly will convene on January 13, 2016.

Representative Dickey Lee Hullinghorst
Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives

On behalf of the 65 members of the House of Representatives, welcome to the Colorado General Assembly’s official website. Our dedication to transparency in government is manifest in this website, which includes live, streaming audio of floor debate and committee hearings as well as archived audio of previous activity.

Other pages on this site include the same searchable database that state legislators and staff use to look up bills introduced over the last 15 years, as well as searchable versions of the Colorado Constitution, the Colorado Revised Statues, contact information for all legislators, committee information and visitor services.

Thank you for your interest in the process by which Colorado's elected representatives make, amend and repeal our state laws. We welcome your input.

Senator Bill Cadman
President of the Colorado Senate

It is my privilege to welcome you to the Colorado General Assembly's official website. On behalf of the Colorado Senate I am thankful for your engagement in the legislative process. You can use this website to look up past and current bills, budget information, the Colorado Revised Statues and contact information for all 35 members of the Colorado Senate and all 65 in the Colorado House of Representatives.

As elected officials we value your input and remain grateful that you have taken the time to share with us issues that are important to you. This Capitol is your Capitol, so please come visit and explore the wonderful restoration work that has been done in both the House and Senate Chambers.

You are welcome to observe the legislative debate in both galleries and in the committee rooms. Your government is open and your Capitol is waiting for you.

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This page last updated: 12/16/2015 07:36 PM MST
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