Today's News

Perpetrators of crimes against Palestinians going scot-free in Israel


Israel is failing to take legal action against Israeli settlers and soldiers who perpetuate violence against Palestinians and their property, according to a report by the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR). The report…

24 Sep 2012 / Listen /
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is new UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador WHO obtaining information after novel coronavirus infection in Europe Ban: Syrian crisis a threat to regional peace and security UN agrees to help Mali find a peaceful solution to the conflict Bahrain urged to hold all-inclusive talks, address human rights situation International Day of Peace is observed with a call for cessation of hostilities Thousands of Somalis flee Kismayo port city UNHCR: Asylum seekers are not criminals Inmate abuse in Georgia condemned by UN human rights office Lifting of sanctions on Myanmar welcomed by Aung San Suu Kyi Large parts of Yemen face food insecurity Cholera epidemic continues to spread in Sierra Leone Good donor response contains food crisis in Sahel Release of prisoners of conscience in Myanmar welcomed by UN expert Progress on global partnership for development is weaker, says UN chief General Assembly takes place during "time of turmoil": UN chief Bahrain pledges to improve human rights situation Asia offers beacon of hope for U.S. and European forest products: UNECE Action plans help to stop use of children in armed conflict Kenyan Defence Minister assures UN of access to civilians in Somalia
Today's Features

World leaders reaffirm commitment to rule of law

Ban Ki-moon and Vuk Jeremic address the General Assembly on the rule of law

The rule of law is generally understood to mean that people in societies should be governed by laws with…

24 Sep 2012 / Listen /

City of The Hague: committed to advancing global justice

Jozias van Aartsen, Mayor of The Hague

  For many people around the world who have suffered war crimes and crimes against humanity, The Hague represents…

24 Sep 2012 / Listen /

UN Chief of Protocol sheds light on his work

Secretary-General with Chief of Protocol, Yeocheol Yoon

  Once again world leaders have gathered in New York City, the headquarters of the United Nations to discuss…

24 Sep 2012 / Listen /

General Assembly elects Serbia to occupy first seat

Vuk Jeremic, General Assembly President

A painful era is now coming to an end for Serbia, a European country which was part of the…

24 Sep 2012 / Listen /

Michael Douglas: fiercely committed to peace

Michael Douglas

  Children are still being captured at a young age, shot up with drugs and used in combat, warns…

24 Sep 2012 / Listen /
Secretary-General shares expectations ahead of General Assembly debate Social Good Summit unites people and technology to change the world Reaffirming hope for a just world on International Day of Peace Management of chemicals a serious challenge for Africa Academy Award winner focuses on youth in developing countries WHO and partners support Sierra Leone as cholera epidemic spreads Crimes against the child a major focus of Security Council in September Tour de Timor bike race promotes peace and development Food crisis is contained by good donor response in Sahel UN meeting seeks to improve support for Europe's ageing population Security Council stands up for children caught in armed conflict Nansen Refugee Award winner brings knowledge and hope to displaced Somalis Malnourished Sudanese refugee children in South Sudan get help UNICEF fights for juvenile justice in Afghanistan
UN Radio Daily News Programme
UN Radio Daily News Programme
Updated at 1800 GMT, Monday to Friday
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Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Opposition leader of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, address journalists(click to enlarge)


Programmes from UN Headquarters

UN Radio Classics

General Assembly

Forum 59

  This report offers a preview of the main issues that were to be addressed during the 14th General Assembly of the United Nations. Language: English Genre: Report 1959 Duration:…

17 Sep 2012 / Listen /

Report on the Invisible

The remains of the Prefectural Industry Promotion Building, later preserved as a monument. 
Credit: UN Photo/DB

A summary of the report by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the effects of atomic radiation. Duration: 27″ Language: English Genre:…

10 Aug 2012 / Listen /
Nelson Mandela Addresses General Assembly