Legislative Action Center

Thousands of Organizations Endorse CNR Priorities

Summer Meals Act of 2015 endorsers (pdf)

Stop Child Summer Hunger Act of 2015 endorsers (pdf)

The Access to Healthy Food for Young Children Act of 2015 endorsers (pdf)

Download FRAC’s Fact Sheets

Why Congress Must Protect and Strengthen SNAP (pdf)

Four Key Facts in Support of the New Nutrition Standards (pdf)

New Studies Continue to Report that Parents, Students, Schools, and Health Research Support the New Federal School Nutrition Standards (pdf)

2015 Congressional Calendar (pdf)

Take Action

Child Nutrition Reauthorization not a part of Omnibus; still time to advocate for strong child nutrition programs.

To find out if your Members of Congress currently sponsor the individual child nutrition bills, click the bill numbers below.

Learn more about these bills and other child nutrition bills that FRAC is following.

Other Actions to Take:

Urge Members of Congress to permanently extend the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit; expand the EITC to childless workers. Post messages of support on social media using the hashtags #InvestInKids and #workingfamilycredits.

Share FRAC’s CNR priorities (pdf) with your Members of Congress.

Individuals: Sign our petition telling Congress you want an end to hunger in America, not ill-considered budget proposals that would cut SNAP and – as a result — increase hunger.

On the Hill

House and Senate release FY16 Omnibus Appropriations Act – summary (pdf), text (pdf), and the Tax Extenders package – summary (pdf), text (pdf).

The Tax Extenders package makes the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) improvements permanent.

Child Nutrition Reauthorization, while not in the Omnibus, is expected to be considered under “regular order” with a Senate Agriculture Committee markup on a free-standing bill in early 2016.

In the Omnibus: $23 million for the summer EBT program, which is $11 million more than the House bill and $7 million more than the 2015 enacted level.

Also in Omnibus: $6.350 billion for the WIC, which is expected to support the anticipated caseload.

About the FRAC Action Council

The FRAC Action Council is the 501(c)(4) arm of the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC).