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Kids and Families

The Library of Congress has many websites designed for young readers and for the whole family to explore together.

Resources for Kids & Families


    Classic books online
    Author videos
    Fascinating people, places & events that await you whenever you read

  • America's Library

    Meet amazing Americans
    Jump back in time
    Experience America's story for elementary & middle school students

  • Today in History

    What occurred
    Why it mattered
    Find out what happened on this date in American history

  • National Jukebox

    Hundreds of tunes
    No change necessary
    Listen to a wealth of songs and monologues from the early days of recording

  • Chronicling America

    Search by date
    Search by state
    Browse and read historical American newspapers from all 50 states

  • Poetry 180

    Put more poetry in your life
    Read it out loud
    A poet laureate's poem-a-day project for American high schools

  • Center for the Book

    Sponsoring events
    Partners for literacy
    Outreach from the Library to promote reading & libraries in 50 states

  • Young Readers Center

    Special programming
    Weekly story time
    Here's a place in the Library designed for young & teen readers

  • Everyday Mysteries

    Why does a camel have a hump?
    Why do our joints pop?
    Learn the answers to these & many other mysteries of science

  • Places in History

    Rich map collections
    Historical events
    Look at detailed historical maps of places where history was made

  • Places in the News

    Rich map collections
    Current events
    Look at detailed contemporary maps of places where news is being made

  • Book Festival Videos

    Hundreds of videos
    Writers, poets, storytellers
    Favorite authors talk about their books & the creative process

  • Local Legacies

    Snapshot of American roots
    Festivals, events, celebrations
    Creative arts, customs & folklore from American communities

  • Veteran's History Project

    Collecting, preserving, presenting
    Memories of American war veterans
    So future generations may hear & understand the realities of war

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