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About the Idea Generator
At UNT Health Science Center Professional and Continuing Education, we are eager to collaborate with you in developing high quality, innovative, outcomes-oriented continuing education activities. The form below is a vehicle you can use to start the conversation. The idea needn't be very far along in development, and, in fact, the earlier the better. As you consider an activity, the most critical questions are whom you want to reach and why. That is, who are the practitioners involved and what is the clinical practice you seek, through your educational activity, to improve? Read more about the accreditation process below or go directly to the form.

Planning Process
UNT Health Science Center Professional and Continuing Education must be included early in the planning process with joint providers and co-sponsors to collaborate in the identification of continuing education needs, determination of practice gaps and educational objectives, selection of all persons and organizations that will be in a position to control the continuing education content, selection and presentation of content, selection of educational methods, determination of expected outcomes and evaluation of the activity. We suggest allowing 2 months for a one-hour, 4 months for one-day and 5+ months for a multi-day activity.

Content Review
UNT Health Science Center Professional and Continuing Education will have activity content peer reviewed by an unbiased content expert to assure that the information provided is based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine or pharmacy as adequate justification for their indications and contraindications in the care of patients. If scientific research is referenced to support a patient care recommendation, the peer reviewer also will assess the cited research to assure that it conforms to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.

For Medicine (ACCME) Accreditation
One accredited provider (UNT Health Science Center Professional and Continuing Education or an accredited joint provider) must take full responsibility for the compliance of all aspects of the activity.

For Pharmacy (ACPE) Accreditation
UNT Health Science Center Professional and Continuing Education and the accredited or non-accredited co-sponsor must clearly define the working relationship between the parties including task completion dates for each provider and recourses should the parties involved fail to meet their responsibilities. Non-ACPE-accredited organizations cannot assume responsibility for compliance with ACPE standards. Therefore, this responsibility must be assigned to UNT Health Science Center Professional and Continuing Education or another ACPE-accredited provider.

After submitting the form below, a representative from our office will contact you to explore the idea further. Thanks for your interest in UNT Health Science Center Professional and Continuing Education


Click each field input for clarification text. All fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Activity Director *
Name of Activity Director
Phone Number *
A telephone number at which Activity Director can be reached.
Email Address *
The email address at which Activity Director can be reached.
Affiliation *
The name of the organization or institution you are affiliated with.
Funding Source *
Entity with financial responsibility for the activity.
Activity Topic/Purpose/Description *
Topic, purpose, and brief description of proposed CE activity.
Target Reach *
Target Audience *
If "Other", please specify:

Activity Format *
We can deliver CE content in a variety of ways: lecture, grand round, case study, demonstration, hands-on application, online, CD-ROM, and print material (monograph / newsletter). Please let us know your preference(s).
Number of Speakers *
The number of speakers presenting material in the proposed CE activity.
Why is this training needed? *
What is the documented need for this proposed CE activity, and what knowledge or performance gap(s) would the activity address?
What would the training change in the participants' competence or performance? *
Describe how you think your proposed CE activity would address the gaps in knowledge and/or performance described above.
What outcomes would result from the above changes in competence or performance? *
Describe how the proposed CE activity would change outcomes for the participants or patients.
When would you expect an enduring/online activity to launch or a live activity to occur? *
We suggest allowing 2 months for a one-hour, 4 months for one-day and 5+ months for a multi-day activity.
Contact at PACE Central
If you have previously talked with a PACE Central staff member about this proposed activity, please indicate the name of that individual.
Captcha *
Captchas are simple puzzles used to prevent automated submissions to the idea generator.

Please enter the text displayed. If the text is illegible, try clicking the "refresh" button or try an audio captcha.

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