
Top Stories

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  • The Chinese Guide to Buying Real Estate in New York

    Among China’s wealthy set, the party buzz is that it’s time to start buying foreign property. Now, a Chinese-developed tower is shooting up on the Brooklyn waterfront.

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  • Not So Wicked Smaht: Boston's Olympic Hopes

    Morning Edition

    The city is excited to be in the running to host the 2024 Summer Games. Commentator Frank Deford counts the many ways Boston will be a big loser if it wins.

  • Desiree Akhavan's Breakthrough Breakup

    Death, Sex & Money

    The director and actor, whose debut film about a bisexual Iranian-American was a Sundance hit, is now featured in the fourth season of Girls.



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  • More Subsidized Rentals Found in Less Desirable Neighborhoods

    If you're looking for an affordable rental in, you'll also probably live somewhere with higher violent crime and fewer jobs.

  • NYC Jail Guards Use of Force a Record in 2014

    Correction officers reported using force 4,074 times last year, including 406 incidents in September alone.

  • Christie's 'State of the State' Speech Nods at State of the Nation

    The New Jersey Governor highlighted the accomplishments of his five years in office while beginning his pivot towards a national audience.

  • Indiana's Veterans Service Officers Help Vets Get More Benefits

    Morning Edition

    Veterans service officers often help veterans successfully navigate the complicated benefits process. But not all vets in Indiana know about VSOs or have access to them.

  • Religious Leaders Pray for de Blasio

    With the rift between the mayor and police still wide open, about a dozen clergy members gathered at City Hall on Tuesday for a prayer vigil.

Arts and Culture

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  • Ship Your Enemies Glitter Delivers on a Beautiful Promise

    On The Media

    The Internet has created a sparkly new way to torment the people you hate.

  • Winning The Truck Battle Isn't Just About Smack Talk. It's Everything

    All Things Considered

    For Detroit automakers, there's likely no bigger prize than being the No. 1 truck. The Detroit three — GM, Ford and Fiat Chrysler — are essentially truck companies that sell cars.

  • Play and Parenting at KidZania

    The New Yorker: Out Loud

    Rather than escape into a fantasy world, at KidZania children take jobs, purchase items branded by corporate sponsors, pay taxes, and even run a legal system. Impressive, or spooky?

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  • A Nuclear Family, An Avalanche, and a Bad Decision

    The Leonard Lopate Show

    Swedish filmmaker Ruben Östlund discusses his latest film, “Force Majeure,” about a family on a ski trip in the French Alps who escape an avalanche.

Tech and Media

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  • A Closer Look At Obama's Plan To Protect Consumer Data

    All Things Considered

    This week, President Obama is talking about cybersecurity. One proposal sounds pretty straightforward: Alert users if their data has been hacked within 30 days. But critics say it misses the mark.

  • The Case for Boredom

    New Tech City

    We're kicking off New Tech City's biggest project yet. It's called Bored & Brilliant: The Lost Art of Spacing Out. Our goal is to get you rethinking our relationship with technology.  

  • GodTube

    On The Media

    Will Rogers wanted to let Christians know that non-Christians had something to say. So he made a video saying almost nothing at all.

Music for your day

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  • John Luther Adams Harnesses 'The Wind in High Places'

    John Luther Adams has mastered the sonic world of the outdoors and open space. His newest album centers around his first string quartet, "The Wind in High Places." 

  • A World Of Sci-fi And Horror Classics In Two Songs


    On a classic movie bender, Soundcheck's John Schaefer explores a pair of songs that name-check horror and sci-fi films like 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' and 'The Invisible Man.'

  • The Art of Tom Waits

    New Sounds

    On this program, we go boldly where we’ve never gone before: into the art of Tom Waits - a whole hour of his distinctive voice and musical soundworld.

  • We Are Never, Ever Getting Back Together... Probably


    At a time when bands reform as quickly as they break up, Soundcheck's John Schaefer mulls over what it means for a band to part ways and how soon it will before they reunite.

  • Waxahatchee, 'Air'


    Against swelling keyboards and a stark guitar melody, Katie Crutchfield sings of love and loneliness, embracing change with fragile, gutsy honesty.

Popular Stories

  1. The Case for Boredom

  2. The Jazz Loft Project Radio: Introduction

  3. My Mystery Landlord

  4. How to Be Less Distracted in 2015

  5. The Chinese Guide to Buying Real Estate in New York