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Letters Unlimited

Letters Unlimited Reader letters to The Plain Dealer on

Why aren't Episcopal and Roman Catholic churches overflowing? Ask the Nones: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 17, 2012, 4:04AM
I have no desire to become involved in the internecine feud that occurs in these pages each time columnist Regina Brett or religion writer Michael O'Malley writes an article concerning the Roman Catholic Church. Yet I am compelled to respond to two letters published on Sunday that were involved in the feuding, because they mention the Episcopal Church, a... Full story »

Sick of United's hub fares: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 17, 2012, 4:04AM
I would like to thank United Airlines for keeping Cleveland as one of its hub cities. Thanks for your prices being ridiculously higher than other cities. I paid $299 out of Pittsburgh, while you offered us at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport a $450 fare to go to San Diego. This is the third trip this year -- all out... Full story »

A present-day draft would compound the problems the U.S. military already has: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 17, 2012, 4:03AM
Over the past few weeks, several people have written about the merits of resurrecting the military draft. That is the polar opposite of what needs to be done to build effective defense forces. In World War II, probably because it was the last legitimate conflict we fought, many people volunteered. Men and women, military or civilian, signed up to... Full story »

Cleveland schools waste the considerable money they already have: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 17, 2012, 4:02AM
I have been a Cleveland resident for more than 20 years, and after reading your Oct. 9 front-page articles on the school levy -- one a column by Mark Naymik, the other a story by Patrick O'Donnell and Rich Exner -- I am appalled. I recently went to a meeting where former mayoral and Cuyahoga County Council candidate Kimberly... Full story »

West Siders' minds aren't closed to school levy: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 17, 2012, 4:02AM
As Cleveland City Council members from the West Side of Cleveland, we feel that Mark Naymik ("Campaign proves a tough sell with residents on the West Side") overly generalized in his characterization of residents' positions on the municipal school levy. In the neighborhoods we represent, we find many voters in support of Issue 107. Many others are open-minded and... Full story »

Sen. Brown's positive outlook shines through: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 17, 2012, 4:01AM
I listened closely to Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel in his City Club debate with Sen. Sherrod Brown. Mandel's energy has a negative edge. His confidence lapses easily into smugness. He is intelligent but evasive. He spoke up for women's rights in other countries, but not for the rights of women here. By contrast, Brown was upbeat and eager to... Full story »

Sen. Brown underlines Democrats' moral failure: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 17, 2012, 4:01AM
Thank you for the story on the front page of Tuesday's Plain Dealer ("In first of three scheduled bouts, Senate hopefuls come out swinging"). The quote above the picture of Sherrod Brown -- "Unlike Josh Mandel, I trust Ohio women to make their own health-care decisions" -- captures formidably his moral bankruptcy and that of the Democratic Party, which... Full story »

Defeat the port levy and restructure the port board: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 16, 2012, 4:06AM
Defeat the port levy (Issue 108) to force needed reform of a faulty, mistake-prone government board. The current proposal is more bailout of the city of Cleveland by suburban voters who are 70 percent of the county population and would pay more than 80 percent of the taxes. The bailout is mostly for spending not related to the port,... Full story »

In fighting for women's rights, wounded Pakistani girl follows true Islamic teachings: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 16, 2012, 4:05AM
Although some may find it hard to believe, education and rights for women are championed in Islam. Fourteen-year-old nominee for the 2011 Children's Nobel Peace Prize, Malala Yousafzai, is in serious condition from gunshot wounds and receiving medical treatment in the United Kingdom. Malala is known for her activism in promoting women's right to obtain an education in the... Full story »

Not exactly constructive political criticism: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 16, 2012, 4:04AM
Polls offer valuable insight into what people believe, but sometimes an anecdote says so much more. My 73-year-old mother, waiting for a flight at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, was sporting a button that expressed support for our president. A complete stranger saw her and yelled in her face for all to hear: "If you vote for Obama, you're voting... Full story »

Land preservation at a cost: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 16, 2012, 4:02AM
Lyndhurst faces a dwindling tax base, and one remedy would have been the purchase of the Acacia Country Club property by a developer for commercial-residential use. Instead, the shareholders of Acacia have chosen to accept a lower bid from the Conservation Fund, which will give the land to the Cleveland Metroparks. This is reminiscent of what became of the... Full story »

What is Obama hiding? letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 16, 2012, 4:02AM
How disgusting that you would run the "What is Romney still hiding?" hit piece by Douglas Stumpf on Friday's Opinion page. More appropriate and timely would have been a piece on what is President Barack Obama hiding -- although nothing will bring back four dead Americans. Perpetuating class warfare will only make our country weaker. Implying that Mitt Romney... Full story »

The courage to intervene in bus battle: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 16, 2012, 4:01AM
I watched the video of the "fight" between the RTA driver and the "passenger." In the background, many other passengers were laughing, taking pictures and really acting as if they were participants in a movie. I could not help but notice a young African-American lady in the back of the bus. You can clearly see the look of disgust... Full story »

Reminiscent of Hollywood heavyweight: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 16, 2012, 4:01AM
One should never resort to violence when confronted with a verbal assault. Men should never hit women. One should always find a passive way out before resorting to fisticuffs. There, now that I've got the politically correct stuff out of the way . . . The bus driver, Artis Hughes, can be my wingman any day of the week.... Full story »

An apology is in order for bus rider's foul mouth: letter to the editor

By Other Voices

October 16, 2012, 4:00AM
In response to Saturday's article concerning the "viral video" of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority driver hitting a woman, RTA spokeswoman Mary Shaffer stated, "RTA apologizes to our customers for this incident." I hope Ms. Shaffer realizes there was audio with this video. Maybe she should watch it again with the sound turned way up, so she can... Full story »
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