In short, this technology could soon be coming to a road near you.

The program has been officially shut down — at least for now.

Workers with lower wages and less education may have the most to lose, a White House report found.

The future of transportation will involve fewer planes and trains.

Lucid Motors will release its electric sedan, a potential competitor to Tesla, in late 2018.

Long before Amazon's drones, there was the Volucere, which had fins, a paddle wheel and a belly full of hydrogen gas to move mail "with a hitherto unattained velocity."

The automaker will begin testing self-driving Chevy Bolt electric vehicles on public roadways in the greater Detroit area.

Not even a full day after Uber launched the service did regulators tell them to shut it down.

One of America's largest automakers wanted to jump-start its inventive culture. Here's how the company did it.

The name Waymo is a play on “a new way forward in mobility.”

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