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American Red Cross

American Red Cross

Non-Profit Organization

Would you know how to stay safe during a flood? How about flood clean-up? We have top tips for those facing historic and unprecedented flooding in the southeastern United States, plus more info on what the Red Cross is doing on the ground:

If you’re caught in a flooded area, would you know what to do?

Millions are under flash flood watches as historic rain hammers the East Coast, including staggering rainfall forecasts for the Carolinas, Georgia and Virginia over the weekend. Stay tuned to local news and The Weather Channel updates for the latest on the storm and local impacts

Also find helpful flood safety and prep info here:

Flood safety and preparedness tips from the American Red Cross. Floods are among the most frequent and costly natural disasters. Read about flood safety here.

While the latest updates indicate Hurricane Joaquin will likely remain offshore over the weekend, heavy rains and potential flooding are expected along the East Coast. Take steps now to ensure you are ready just in case!

The Red Cross recommends that people living in threatened communities should keep informed about weather conditions and get prepared now.

Attention grown-ups! The Red Cross ‪#‎MonsterGuard‬ app is a great way to teach your kids how to prepare for emergencies. Role playing as monsters, kids learn about different hazards, such as home fires, floods and hurricanes. Learn more:

Monster Guard is the first mobile app created by the American Red Cross that's designed specifically for kids. Follow Maya, Chad, Olivia and all the monsters as they teach kids (aged 7-11) about how to prepare for real-life emergencies-at home plus other environments-in a fun and engaging game. Spon…

We are currently monitoring the path of Hurricane Joaquin and getting ready to respond if and when the need(s) may arise. While Joaquin's path remains uncertain, there's never a bad time to get prepared for emergencies. Check out what you can do to prepare for hurricanes and other disasters:

The American Red Cross is getting ready to respond to Hurricane Joaquin if needed and urges residents who may be in the path of the storm to get ready too.

The ‪#‎RedCross‬ Emergency App puts information about staying safe during a disaster in the palm of your hand and allows you to choose the alerts that are relevant to your location. Download this FREE app today and share with your friends and family:

Disaster relief at home and abroad, CPR certification and first aid courses, blood donation, and emergency preparedness. Support the American Red Cross today.

Just one year in, Red Cross volunteers, firefighters and other community partners have helped save 26 lives and make more than 63,000 families safer. Find out what else we've helped accomplish with our Home Fire Campaign:

American Red Cross's photo.

The ongoing drought in California has given way to another historic wildfire season. This month the Valley Fire and Butte Fire have quickly become two of the most destructive wildfires in the state's history, destroying hundreds of homes across many communities. Red Cross volunteers have been there from the start and will continue to be there along the long road to recovery. For more info, please visit

A fire broke out around 3 a.m. and silently spread up inside the walls of the building that included three residential units. All eleven residents, including a two-month-old baby, made it out safely – thanks to the sound of smoke alarms installed through an ongoing partnership with the Red Cross and New Orleans Fire Department. Find out more: ‪#‎firesafety‬

The campaign, almost a year old, is now credited with helping save 26 lives since it began in October of last year.

For those returning to homes in areas affected by the Valley and Butte wildfires, please make sure to protect yourself from hidden dangers. Hear more about dangers and tips in our conversation with AMHQ with Sam Champion, and find a checklist on returning home and recovering after a wildfire here:

The Red Cross needs platelet donations now to prevent a shortage. Cancer, organ transplant and other patients count on these donations from Red Cross donors. Make your appointment at

American Red Cross's photo.

More than 600 Red Cross workers are providing disaster relief to communities impacted by the Valley and Butte Fires in California. Many members of the community have jumped in to provide much needed support for their friends and neighbors in need. One evacuated resident, Liz Jackson, is using this time to help the Red Cross deliver relief supplies out into affected neighborhoods.

Read more about Liz's efforts, and check out the latest update on the Red Cross response to these tragic wildfires:

'Red Cross volunteer Janet Upchurch provides lunch to Mountain Ranch resident Terrance Hession. Terrance is one of many residents who lost their home to the devastating Butte Fire.

Photo by Jordan Scott/American Red Cross'
'Rich Woodruff, a Red Cross worker from Utah, surveys the damage done by the Butte Fire in the community of Mountain Ranch in Calaveras County.

Photo by Jordan Scott/American Red Cross'
'Red Cross volunteers distribute supplies to residents impacted by the Valley Fire.

Red Cross photo by Jim Hobbs'
'As residents return to their homes in the aftermath of the Valley Fire, Red Cross workers are there to provide relief and support.

Here a volunteer offers comfort to a resident of the devastated community of Middletown.

Photo credit: American Red Cross/Russell Cole'

1.8 billion children vaccinated.
15.6 million lives saved.
A decrease of measles deaths globally by 75% since 2001.

These are some of the staggering results thanks to the Measles & Rubella Initiative, a partnership the American Red Cross has helped lead since 2001. Last week, the American Red Cross hosted the annual meeting of the Initiative in Washington, D.C., which included participation by governments, NGOs and donors, and focused on the Human and Financial Costs of Measles. Read more about the meeting:

'Dr. Jennifer Zipprich, California Department of Public Health, spoke about the recent outbreak in her state, which included 131 cases in California, and additional cases in six other states, Canada, and Mexico. Almost all cases were in unvaccinated individuals. The outbreak captured national attention and put the spotlight on vaccines hesitancy issues.'
'Emmi Herman is a children's author. When she was six years old, before a vaccine existed, her sister contracted measles. At the meeting, Emmi gave a compelling and powerful firsthand perspective of the devastation measles can bring. You can read her speech here:'
'Dr. Francis Kateh, Deputy Minister of Health and Chief Medical Officer for Liberia, spoke about the recent measles campaign in Liberia and how the Ebola Virus, which at its peak had the country dealing with 60 new confirmed cases a day, has impacted the health infrastructure and community acceptance of health workers and vaccinations.'

Sickle cell disease affects the lives of children and adults, including 11-year-old Makenzie of Cleveland, Ohio. Blood donation isn't something her family knew much about – until they understood the importance of blood helping Makenzie and others like her. Learn how you can help:

American Red Cross's photo.
American Red Cross's photo.

A huge thank you to all for the incredible generosity in support of those impacted by the ongoing California wildfires! It takes a lot of work from individuals, community groups and organizations to deliver much needed relief to all those in need. While our resources do not enable us to receive and/or manage the influx of material donations at Red Cross facilities, we are continually working and coordinating with local organizations to manage the tremendous outpouring of support and ensure those affected by these terrible fires have their needs met both now, and along the long road to recovery. Thank you to all those helping to bring comfort and relief to these communities in need!

American Red Cross of Sierra-Delta's photo.
American Red Cross of Sierra-Delta with Janet Upchurch

‪#‎Thankful‬ Pastor Carlos Molina from the Iglesia Bautista La Morada in Stockton organized a collection between several churches in Stockton to help people aff...ected by the ‪#‎ButteFire‬. Today, they drove to Valley Springs, California to donate water and other bulk items.

We are planning to distribute the water collected between all 3 shelters and the church that our volunteers are using as the Incident Command Post.

“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
― Mother Teresa

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“I lost everything…my home, my car, my clothes and my possessions. But I am truly blessed,” said Sangchan Sprayberry, 62, from Mountain Ranch, California. “We are lucky be alive and getting support from the Red Cross.”

Wildfires continue to burn in California where the American Red Cross is on the ground, helping people impacted by the fires.

It's been five days since the start of the Valley Fire in California's Lake County, and one week since the start of the Butte Fire. In that short time these fires have quickly become among the most destructive wildfires in California's history. Throughout these fires, thousands have been evacuated from their homes with many turning to one of several Red Cross shelters. As the days wear on, frustration and uncertainty can take their toll, but Red Cross volunteers are working tirelessly around the clock to make sure residents and communities are cared for during these challenging times:

Red Cross worker, Jordan Scott, does some coloring with 8 year old April Vazquez, at the Red Cross shelter in Kelseyville, CA. April and her family evacuated their home due to the ongoing Valley Fire burning in Lake County One week. It’s a long time to be away from home. Typically there’s an element…

“They all shouted ‘thank you doctor’ from the train windows.”

Red Cross doctor, Suzana Gjorgjevska, provides medical attention to families on the border of Macedonia and Greece. She has been a volunteer since the age of 10 and now, as a doctor, she is working 12-hour shifts at the border. Red Cross and Red Crescent teams have been providing humanitarian aid to thousands of people as they search for safety across Europe. Read more:

Dr Suzana Gjorgjevska gently feels around the neck of an Iraqi woman as her husband looks nervously. The woman is four months pregnant.

Red Cross volunteers in California continue to provide assistance to communities impacted by the devastating Butte, Valley and Rough fires, which are now among the most destructive fires in the state's history [according to CAL FIRE]. Check out what's being done to assist residents and see how you can help:

The American Red Cross is on the ground in California, helping people who are trying to escape the raging wildfires in their communities.