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Memorial Day: A Time to Remember and an Opportunity to Help

On the last Monday in May, we take time to honor the men and women who died in military service to the United States. Today we’d like you to introduce you to someone who serves U.S. veterans at the last stage of life, day in and out, with the utmost compassion.

Meet Laura, an American Red Cross volunteer with the No Veteran Dies Alone program.

Laura serves in a unique volunteer capacity. By providing comfort and relief to veterans and their families at the end of life, Laura feels as though she’s honoring military members for their service, “They were there for us and we need to be there for them.”

Through the No Veteran Dies Alone program, volunteers sit with veterans, reading or talking to them, playing music and sometimes just holding their hand. They also relieve family members during the stressful final days in hospice care. Laura feels it’s an honor to sit with them during their last hours. “It’s a blessing be there for them at this stage in their lives and I’m so grateful to be able to do it,” said Laura.

Happy Memorial Day Laura and thank you for all you do. You can read more on RedCross.org.

Have a compassionate heart and willing to take a little training? Volunteer with the American Red Cross.


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