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Welcome to STEERS, the State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System.

Here is what you can do online in STEERS:

  • Aggregate Production Operations Registration
  • Air New Source Review Registrations
  • CAFO General Permit
  • Concrete Batch Plants General Permit New
  • Municipal Solid Waste Notifications
  • Pesticide General Permit
  • Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Self-Certifications
  • Storm Water General Permits (Construction & Multi-Sector)
  • Tier II Core Data New

  • Annual Emissions Inventory Report (AEIR)
  • Air Emissions & Maintenance Events (AEME) Reporting
  • Emissions Banking and Trading (EBT)
  • Industrial & Hazardous Waste (IHW) NOR and Summaries
  • Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Reporting
  • Pollution Prevention Planning (P2PLAN) Reporting
  • Public Drinking Water (PDW)
  • Training Roster Online Submittal (TROLS)

See details of what you can do.

This is STEERS version 6.0.



(ER + 6 digits)

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Find Out When STEERS Will Be Offline

We do our best to ensure that STEERS is online when you need it. But for upgrades, security measures, and other maintenance, we must bring STEERS or one of its modules offline. We cannot predict emergency outages, but for scheduled downtimes, see our STEERS maintenance schedule.