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    Vision: A Healthy Texas

    Mission: To improve health and well-being in Texas
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    Office Notices
    • ICD-10 Implemented on October 1, 2015

      Effective Oct. 1, 2015, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires healthcare providers covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability and Act (HIPAA) to switch from ICD-9 to ICD-10. Not using the correct codes after Oct. 1 will affect submission and processing of Medicaid claims. More information may be found on our ICD-10 pages.

    • Learn the Warning Signs of Mental Illness and Substance Use

      A new school year brings many new challenges. If you know a young person who is possibly experiencing a mental health issue or a drug or alcohol problem, you can help. Learn the warning signs and find other resources on the Speak Your Mind Texas website.

    • Medicaid Provider Re-enrollment Update

      Texas Medicaid providers enrolled prior to Jan. 1, 2013 who have not yet re-enrolled in the Medicaid program must do so before March 24, 2016. Get more information.

    • Hurricane Season is Here

      Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30. Now is the time to make your emergency plans and get your disaster supply kits in order. Visit www.texasprepares.org today to learn more. Don’t wait until it’s too late because disasters will happen whether you’re Ready… or not?

    • Savings Ideas Open for Public Voting

      A list of money-saving ideas from health and human services employees is available for public vote. Our agencies are looking at the suggestions to see which ones are the most feasible. Tell us your favorites.

    • Ready or Not?

      Tornadoes. Hurricanes. Floods. Wildfires. These and other disasters frequently occur in Texas. It’s too late to plan for these emergencies once a storm approaches. Now is the time to prepare yourself and your family for any emergency. Follow the easy suggestions at TexasPrepares.org or TexasPrepara.org (Spanish) today.

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    You can report suspected waste, fraud or abuse in health and human services programs to the HHSC Office of Inspector General online or by calling 800-436-6184. You may also make a report to the Texas State Auditor’s Office by calling 800-TX-AUDIT.
  Last updated August 25, 2015