Planning and Environment

The Planning and Environment group develops transit profiles and plans HOV facilities, park-and-ride systems, mobility studies, and other aspects of urban planning. This group analyzes traffic operations, freeway systems, traffic patterns, urban public transit, and transit ridership.

The Planning and Environment group organization includes three divisions:

Featured Research
The WSDOT Express Lanes Project: Research into Practice

Congestion is bad and getting worse across the country. Space for new lanes is limited, and funding for new construction is nearly nonexistent.

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is familiar with the quandary. Its Interstate 405/State Route 167 corridor is often congested for 10 hours each work day. The high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are so popular that carpoolers and transit riders no longer receive the travel-time savings and trip-time reliability they’ve come to rely on…

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