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Transportation Expenditure Reporting System (TERS)

The Transportation Expenditures Reporting System (TERS) is a portal designed to provide quick and easy access to information about TxDOT’s projects, expenditures, and performance in key areas.

Through the remainder of 2012 and into 2013, we will work to add more functionality to allow Texans to search and download data and reports. Until then, information about TxDOT’s future project priorities, current project development and construction, Bridge Conditions, Pavement Condition, Traffic Fatalities, and Congestion is provided in one or more of the following formats: Excel spreadsheets, Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files, and interactive web maps.

Project Tracker

Project Tracker is a database that follows the progress of most projects under construction. Here you will find information about project scope, schedules and expenditures.


Information about the condition of bridges is available. Reports by county or type of highway are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) and Excel spreadsheet formats. Information about specific bridges is also available for review.


Information about congestion in the largest metropolitan areas of the state as well as the list of the 100 Most Congested Roadways are available for review.

10-Year Transportation Priorities

The Unified Transportation Program is a 10-year plan to guide transportation project development and construction. The 2013 UTP is available as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file and in a searchable format.


Information about the condition of pavement on the state's highways is available. Reports by county or type of highway are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) and Excel spreadsheet formats. Information about specific highways is also available for review.


Information about crash rates and fatalities is available.


Reports evaluating the effectiveness of TxDOT's expenditures are available: