Construction Report (Recapitulation)

Last Update: Thursday, September 10, 2015
Text Version (Recapitulation Report)
Excel Version (Statewide Recapitulation Report)
# District Number of Contracts Amount Under Contract Total Work Done to Date Estimate Paid This Month Total Estimate Paid to Date Percent Complete
1 Paris 68 320355942.91 206662103.26 9300934.94 205789108.26 64.51%
2 Fort Worth 144 1009294741.20 595372354.92 17195489.78 592313842.21 58.99%
3 Wichita Falls 56 178428021.49 112171502.05 6227608.53 111908467.05 62.87%
4 Amarillo 68 414550433.11 218830163.17 8664105.50 216825161.06 52.79%
5 Lubbock 40 306148423.69 161964356.07 14793092.98 161452436.94 52.90%
6 Odessa 43 266237508.64 94565551.07 12672681.73 94501776.07 35.52%
7 San Angelo 28 214479092.19 100199754.69 6172656.31 99818384.69 46.72%
8 Abilene 47 251568019.74 143077993.28 15992755.90 142670179.93 56.87%
9 Waco 73 1567136095.11 1046815296.20 25718007.54 1044454756.20 66.80%
10 Tyler 63 369827539.26 140290358.16 8093626.88 140070178.16 37.93%
11 Lufkin 65 348379247.94 211358178.82 6355747.10 210997333.82 60.67%
12 Houston 250 3263797969.42 1825727840.92 43273062.95 1835563388.56 55.94%
13 Yoakum 98 278109759.56 154190494.53 11967182.57 153715294.53 55.44%
14 Austin 221 841701637.87 563391283.50 24908016.58 562993366.50 66.93%
15 San Antonio 133 938962653.49 505791127.63 18621435.32 505759444.88 53.87%
16 Corpus Christi 79 634381591.07 334372864.70 12523228.19 333655074.70 52.71%
17 Bryan 63 299799615.56 173149885.29 12686021.33 172755260.29 57.76%
18 Dallas 211 2375807333.27 1172764449.74 45477902.98 1171154234.05 49.36%
19 Atlanta 61 382603834.82 280305842.02 7837872.88 280782986.82 73.26%
20 Beaumont 76 408196336.16 183162427.83 4864170.23 182323942.83 44.87%
21 Pharr 67 620008419.40 365657145.01 6206941.87 362076440.01 58.98%
22 Laredo 50 275847960.79 110476586.23 3257997.49 110117210.87 40.05%
23 Brownwood 37 113563775.09 55055516.87 4770042.78 55074146.87 48.48%
24 El Paso 56 616454714.08 390424234.11 7585631.18 398310873.04 63.33%
25 Childress 29 102922905.96 41143901.49 5149773.62 41100524.25 39.98%
  Grand Totals 2126 16398563571.82 9186921211.56 340315987.16 9186183812.59 56.02%
# District Number of Contracts Amount Under Contract Total Work Done to Date Estimate Paid This Month Total Estimate Paid to Date Percent Complete
1 Paris 21 28943023.19 27934542.46 3891071.06 27913507.50 96.52%
2 Fort Worth 40 40771414.74 31312822.94 2094423.56 31119382.01 76.80%
3 Wichita Falls 11 8294550.47 4981706.98 0.00 4979266.98 60.06%
4 Amarillo 20 21425215.07 12124083.45 1630873.32 12124083.45 56.59%
5 Lubbock 21 12814665.26 6476152.57 547989.01 6463079.09 50.54%
6 Odessa 12 12302803.50 11212968.95 626480.81 11256187.27 91.14%
7 San Angelo 11 7495563.55 6258823.34 0.00 6258823.33 83.50%
8 Abilene 6 10920480.68 11122359.30 1277613.00 11113629.30 101.85%
9 Waco 35 52810799.19 51299031.16 1465277.36 51267901.16 97.14%
10 Tyler 18 23038080.90 23311459.69 1732861.71 23210854.79 101.19%
11 Lufkin 3 3296065.13 4804108.81 993922.53 4804108.81 145.75%
12 Houston 121 145791576.64 89259491.31 9791015.84 89160596.60 61.22%
13 Yoakum 38 43171496.20 25091843.50 4597267.31 25059063.44 58.12%
14 Austin 54 107148015.79 61481239.63 3999669.14 61405441.49 57.38%
15 San Antonio 35 78419039.26 62944289.26 5734339.46 62624408.24 80.27%
16 Corpus Christi 28 53172822.47 43717967.02 1719335.82 43368318.29 82.22%
17 Bryan 20 32313151.53 24776808.82 6499230.98 24763828.81 76.68%
18 Dallas 68 142957578.46 78209178.54 7385489.38 78213658.15 54.71%
19 Atlanta 19 22613596.08 25864905.50 2494125.38 25863844.62 114.38%
20 Beaumont 44 33719215.95 27036283.85 1416242.21 27040443.37 80.18%
21 Pharr 29 41585771.13 36116485.26 3165893.44 36063845.68 86.85%
22 Laredo 9 13942378.81 17582518.72 1497490.31 17572148.72 126.11%
23 Brownwood 12 18828173.44 12535458.31 1637363.23 12535458.31 66.58%
24 El Paso 12 12625650.73 12398456.77 654785.61 12398456.77 98.20%
25 Childress 13 8154994.82 8497683.46 786489.24 8491008.47 104.20%
47 Maintenance Division 25 50502291.32 70546118.52 1191877.74 70525224.45 139.69%
  Grand Totals 725 1027058414.31 786896788.12 66831127.45 785596569.10 76.62%
# District Number of Contracts Amount Under Contract Total Work Done to Date Estimate Paid This Month Total Estimate Paid to Date Percent Complete
1 Paris 141 15504599.92 9086772.03 1321764.80 9073706.24 58.61%
2 Fort Worth 90 20223487.05 12363035.81 1785012.32 12344745.82 61.13%
3 Wichita Falls 82 7534114.58 5290376.31 89909.64 5278758.12 70.22%
4 Amarillo 56 8488371.04 8351169.04 434289.24 8348402.16 98.38%
5 Lubbock 56 6909907.10 5673006.87 562480.39 5673006.88 82.10%
6 Odessa 89 9950385.72 5888610.53 293721.54 5864925.65 59.18%
7 San Angelo 80 8218637.76 8012246.49 258299.08 8057532.33 97.49%
8 Abilene 62 7858116.16 6623105.80 985714.52 6629607.25 84.28%
9 Waco 106 9262087.13 6180711.80 74014.26 6154871.79 66.73%
10 Tyler 120 15898421.89 15536141.59 278519.45 15499981.59 97.72%
11 Lufkin 144 71129118.62 12392184.01 870159.55 12378991.33 17.42%
12 Houston 149 26752971.43 16246578.56 1755824.53 16225093.90 60.73%
13 Yoakum 62 9366230.61 5740498.17 632566.80 5730530.58 61.29%
14 Austin 94 15637167.59 9351648.14 295276.29 9330757.00 59.80%
15 San Antonio 65 9497770.71 6500409.17 1372398.41 6479336.40 68.44%
16 Corpus Christi 80 13450725.35 9942207.81 160506.27 9920377.81 73.92%
17 Bryan 132 14851907.85 9933684.23 950875.66 9908904.27 66.88%
18 Dallas 97 15140899.50 8511974.11 605863.08 8511974.11 56.22%
19 Atlanta 77 5730250.77 5355479.98 233491.09 5351349.98 93.46%
20 Beaumont 114 11675510.85 8332597.96 225294.38 8293788.27 71.37%
21 Pharr 44 9864804.06 6664615.72 353332.48 6664615.83 67.56%
22 Laredo 84 13882411.81 10630027.80 846976.82 10656351.98 76.57%
23 Brownwood 74 9556161.71 8271206.39 400687.05 8266933.97 86.55%
24 El Paso 81 13192713.30 10381514.52 252033.95 10361301.17 78.69%
25 Childress 2 144845.42 113148.85 0.00 113148.85 78.12%
  Grand Totals 2181 349721617.93 211372951.69 15039011.60 211118993.28 60.44%
Construction Reports (Recapitulation) By Contractor Names
Construction Reports By Legislative Districts