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Ports-to-Plains Corridor (I-27)

The Ports-to-Plains Trade Corridor is a proposed divided highway corridor stretching from Laredo through West Texas to Denver, Colorado. The corridor was designated as a High Priority Corridor in 1998 and will facilitate the efficient transportation of goods and services from Mexico, through West Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado and ultimately Canada and the Pacific Northwest.

The corridor will:

  • Improve safety
  • Reduce congestion at ports of entry along the Texas-Mexico border
  • Provide alternatives to other congested corridors that run through major metropolitan areas
  • Help to increase trade between the U.S., Mexico and Canada

Get Involved

In mid-March 2015, stakeholder listening sessions were conducted in Amarillo, Lubbock, Midland-Odessa, Big Spring, Eagle Pass and San Angelo to hear from surrounding communities regarding interest in further study of extending I-27 from Amarillo north to the Oklahoma border and Lubbock south to Laredo. More than 150 people attended the meetings and offered verbal and written comments.

TxDOT continues to seek input from the public regarding possible expansion of I-27.


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