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Proposition 12 (General Obligation Bond Projects)

The Texas Transportation Commission approved distribution of $3 billion in Proposition 12 bond funding that will address congested highways, rehabilitate bridges and improve connectivity between the state’s metropolitan areas.

Funding Distribution

The commission’s action will distribute $1.4 billion to TxDOT’s 25 districts and $600 million to the 25 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) around the state according to existing formulas. It will also provide $200 million for statewide highway connectivity improvements, $500 million for bridges and $300 million for relief in the four most congested regions of the state: Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio.

These funds represent the balance of $5 billion in general obligation bonding authority approved by voters and first authorized by the Texas Legislature in 2007. Construction contracts for the first $2 billion in projects were approved in 2010.

Public Involvement

TxDOT worked in partnership with MPOs, cities, counties and corridor associations to identify and prioritize needs. TxDOT held meetings with stakeholders and conducted public hearings, including the department’s first statewide hearing via video teleconference. Much of this intensive public involvement effort was conducted and completed in just four months.

Prop 12 Program 2011

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