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The scope of this study is for roadway widening CR 48 from two to four lanes from SH 6 to FM 518.

Current Conditions

The existing roadway is a two-lane undivided rural roadway with no shoulders and open ditch drainage within 60 feet of ROW.

Proposed Improvements

Widen CR 48 to four 11- to 15-foot lanes with 6- to 32-foot raised medians and flush medians up to 20 feet wide, 2- to 10-foot shoulders and 4- to 5-foot sidewalks in various locations within varying ROW up to 182 feet wide.


This study is a partnership between TxDOT and Brazoria County.


Texas Department of Transportation
Brandon Hobbs
PO Box 1386
Houston, TX 77251-1386
Phone: (713) 802-5245