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Texas A&M Transportation Institute
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The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) is pleased to announce the release of its new overview publication. This 22-page, full-color publication represents a sampling of the Institute’s signature research projects; discusses the Institute’s research focus areas and office locations; and features its facilities and staff.
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TTI's Center for Transportation Safety (CTS) has a mission to help produce safer roadways. CTS is making this happen by researching Infrastructure Improvements, Traffic Signals and Signs, Crash Analysis, and Strategic Highway Planning. Learn more about this center and other focus areas here:
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Technology-based transit improvements are broad in scope and ever-changing. The Transportation Policy Research Center has added this congestion mitigation strategy to their evolving list of "How to Fix Congestion." You're able to see costs, impact areas, hurdles, and success stories on the strategy one-pager.
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The Texas Transportation Researcher is out, read the full issue at
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Houston Area Drivers–Send Us Your Feedback! — Texas A&M Transportation Institute
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TEES and TTI Announce Center for Infrastructure Renewal to Address Aging Roadways, Structures, Pipelines and Power Grid — Texas A&M Transportation Institute
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Have them in circles
47 people
Benjamin J.G. Moore's profile photo
Nadia Pimentel's profile photo
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service's profile photo
The University of Texas at Arlington Research Institute (UTARI)'s profile photo
Eternity LED Glow's profile photo
Bernie Wagenblast's profile photo
Angel Corral Jr.'s profile photo
Jerred Schuh's profile photo
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TTI’s Environmental and Emissions Research Facility allows for research in sub-freezing temps!
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Since 1989, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s (TTI’s) Sediment and Erosion Control Laboratory (SEC Lab) has generated an Approved Products List (APL) for the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT’s) use of erosion-control products. Some 25 years later, the SEC Lab continues to be the nation’s premier facility for performance evaluation of roadside environment management.
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TTI’s High-Bay Structural Testing Facility Brings Real-World Conditions to a Lab Setting.
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Michael Medina, executive director of the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Alfredo Sanchez, TTI associate research engineer, discuss the need for and the methodology behind the El Paso multimodal infrastructure plan.
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TTI researchers examine potential use of variable speed limits in Texas. Click through to view the project page and video.
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The Interim--the time between regular sessions when Legislators identify important policy issues and study them in depth. TTI’s Transportation Policy Research Center will be following the transportation-related activity closely and so can you on our Interim Page.
The 84th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature is behind us, with many new bills having passed and many more not. This puts us squarely in the period known as The Interim, the time between regul…
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Saving Lives, Time and Resources
Our mission is to solve transportation problems through research, to transfer technology, and to develop diverse human resources to meet the transportation challenges of tomorrow.

Dedicated to enhancing the economic competitiveness of the state and improving the quality of life for Texans, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) is the largest university-affiliated transportation research agency in the United States. Created in 1950 in response to the needs of the Texas Highway Department, TTI has since broadened its focus to address all modes of transportation—highway, air, water, rail and pipeline. TTI is a state agency and a member of The Texas A&M University System.

TTI pioneered the "breakaway" and the "crash cushion" concepts. The cooperative relationship with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), formalized by the Texas legislature in 1949, has been key to the success and real-world applicability of the TTI program. Knowledge and expertise gained through that program have helped TTI effectively develop and implement work for numerous other sponsors.

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3135 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3135