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Texas-Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study - Get Involved

Texas-Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study Logo

We want to hear from you during the Texas-Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study (TOPRS). There are ways to get involved with the study, ranging from attending open houses or meetings to reviewing information and providing input online.

Draft Alternatives Public Meetings – January/February 2014

In January and February 2014, TxDOT asked the public to review a small list of recommended route and service level alternatives for intercity passenger rail between Oklahoma City and south Texas.

More than 300 people attended the eight in-person meetings, and more than 3,800 people visited the online meeting. The resources from these meetings are provided on the Meeting Materials page. After reviewing that input, TxDOT determined which alternatives should be studied in the service-level draft EIS. Fact sheets are available that describe each of these alternatives.

Scoping Open Houses - April 2013

In March and April 2013, the study team hosted 12 scoping public open houses along the I-35 corridor from Oklahoma to South Texas. The resources from these meetings are provided on the Meeting Materials page.

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