Rider 19 - Project Status Reports


Pursuant to the TxDOT Appropriations Rider 19 from the 81st Legislature, we have produced the following reports, sorted by legislative district, which list highway, toll, rail and aviation projects that are under contract or awaiting funding.

The Texas transportation system has not kept pace with the needs of a rapidly expanding population. As traffic growth quickly outstrips funding resources, TxDOT is meeting the challenge with a strategic plan that involves five goals and four strategies.


  • Reduce Congestion
  • Enhance Safety
  • Expand Economic Opportunity
  • Improve Air Quality
  • Preserve the Value of Our Transportation Assets
  • Use all financial tools available to build transportation projects.
  • Empower local and regional leaders to solve local and regional transportation problems.
  • Increase competitive pressure to drive down the cost of transportation projects.
  • Demand consumer driven decisions that respond to traditional market forces.
Texas House of Representatives
Texas Senate
U.S. House of Representatives

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