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We are the official website of the State of Texas.


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Welcome to Texas.gov!

You’re at the right place to take care of government transactions, find information about our great state, engage with your government, or just get pointed in the right direction.

Our most popular services.

These are a big hit with y’all!

Even more government services

Start here to take care of your government business online. It’s convenient, safe, and so much better than standing in line!

Brand New!

If you’re registered for COBRA coverage through the UT System, pay your monthly premiums the easiest way possible – online!

UT System COBRA Premium Payments

State Agencies

Navigating government agencies can be tougher than dry brisket. Here you’ll find contact info and more for all the state agencies.

Governor, Office of the

In your neighborhood

Dern it! Need to go to a government office? Let us help you find one. We can also help you locate fun stuff like parks and libraries.

What are you looking for?


Here’s a bunch of really great general information.
We’ve wrangled it together by subject for easy browsing.


Connect with Texas government here – one tweet, post, video, pin, or picture at a time!


Official state documents! Order vital records, print driver records, and more – straight from the horse’s mouth.