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Austin District Bicycle Plan

TxDOT works with the community to accommodate bicycle transportation across the state. The bicycle plan will help connect bicycle networks across all 11 counties in the Austin District by identifying opportunities for collaboration and coordination of improvements. By tying together state and local plans and guidance, the district's bike plan will provide roadway designers with tools to identify key opportunities to optimize individual projects within the broader context of a safe and connected regional bicycle network.

The completed bicycle plan will:

  • provide a comprehensive evaluation of existing conditions for cycling across the district
  • prioritize corridors that offer potential opportunities for benefits
  • address barriers to the cycling community

The resulting plan is expected to create a framework to characterize future projects to provide an appropriate level of accommodation for safe and accessible bicycle travel within the constraints of today’s funding environment.


  • Summer – fall 2014: Prepare bicycle plan document
  • Spring – summer 2014: Corridor prioritization
  • Spring 2014 – fall 2014: Perform public outreach
  • Fall 2013 – spring 2014: Analyze transportation corridors
  • Spring – summer 2013: Review existing conditions
  • Spring 2013: Establish an internal project advisory team

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Title Format
Annual Average Daily Traffic, 2012
Bicycle Commuter Mode Share, 2007-2011
Bicycle Crashes on State System, 2011-2013
Popularity of Bicycle Route - Bike Buddy
Popularity of Bicycle Route - Cycle Tracks
Popularity of Bicycle Route - Bicycle Accommodation Survey
Schools, Parks and Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Activity Centers
Outside Shoulder Width, 2012 (Feet)
Speed Limit, 2012


Planner, Advanced Transportation Planning
TxDOT Austin District
(512) 832-7280