Quick Start for:

The Texas Business Advisor

Entrepreneurship forms the basis of free market capitalism, fueling growth in the state economy. The Comptroller joins others in encouraging the spirit to try new ideas, build a business, attain wealth, and create jobs. The Business Advisor is our attempt to provide helpful information by opening a "one-stop shop," for your convenience in learning how to start a business in Texas.

Starting a Business

Prepare – Define your product or service, study the market, write a plan, and get financing.

Register – Choose a name for the business. Obtain an identification number. Decide on the legal form. Discover which licenses or permits you may need, and what kinds of taxes you might owe.

Growing Your Business

Take free, or at least low cost, advice – Several organizations, some government, some not, give advice about how to achieve profit in local markets.

Expand your client base – Sell to the government as well as to private clients. Find foreign buyers.

Keep reference materials for the future – Know where to get facts quickly, especially the same information you will want updated periodically.

The information in this document is presented solely as technical assistance and as a resource available to entrepreneurs. The information does not serve as a substitute for legal advice or tax advice nor replace the independent judgment of an appropriate specialist. An entrepreneur should consult his/her attorney, accountant or other appropriate professional to answer specific questions about establishing a business in Texas.

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