HomeNewsSpecial Reports

Special Reports

  • Travels With Dunford - January 2017

    Travels With Dunford - January 2017

    Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, travels to Paris for a conference with his French counterpart and then to Brussels for NATO meetings on global security challenges. Special | Travel Archive

  • 2016 Year in Review

    2016 Year in Review

    This report highlights the Defense Department's top 10 issues in 2016. During the year, DoD continued to counter terrorism and proceed with missions in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and Afghanistan. Defense Secretary Ash Carter expanded efforts to build the Force of the Future while seeking new technologies, promoting the well-being of troops and pushing for a budget to maintain what he calls the finest fighting force the world has ever known. Special

  • 2016 Year in Photos

    2016 Year in Photos

    The men and women of the U.S. military train and conduct operations around the world. But they also are regular people with a range of interests. In this review, we turn to military photographers to show compelling images of troops as they serve, sacrifice and engage in life. Special

  • National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day: 75 Years After the Attack

    Remembering Pearl Harbor: 75 Years After the Attack

    As the nation observes the 75th anniversary of the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the Defense Department honors the men and women who lost their lives, and those who fought on to preserve the nation's freedom. Special

  • Veteran's Day: Honoring our Nation's Veterans

    Veterans Day: Honoring our Nation's Veterans

    President Barack Obama proclaimed Nov. 11, 2016, as Veterans Day, noting that “we affirm our sacred duty as citizens to express our enduring gratitude, both in words and in actions, for their service.” The Defense Department joins the nation in honoring the men and women who have given selflessly and sacrificed in service to the country. Special

  • Military Family Support

    In proclaiming November as Military Family Month, President Barack Obama noted that "our extraordinary military families -- our heroes on the home front -- stand alongside our patriots in uniform, and in their example we see the very best of our country's spirit." The Defense Department joins the nation in honoring the commitment, sacrifices and contributions families of service members make every day in support of the military and the nation. Special

  • National American Indian Heritage Month

    National American Indian Heritage Month 2016

    Since the Revolutionary War, Native Americans and Alaska Natives have played a vital role in our country's freedom and security. The Defense Department honors the many contributions and accomplishments of American Indians and Alaska Natives during National American Indian Heritage Month as we remember their legacy and celebrate their vibrant culture and heritage. Special

  • National Disability Employment Awareness Month

    National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2016

    Held each October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month is a national campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. Special

  • National Hispanic Heritage Month 2016

    National Hispanic Heritage Month 2016

    National Hispanic Heritage Month marks a time to showcase and honor the many contributions Hispanic Americans have made to the Defense Department and the nation. Special

  • Remembering Sept. 11, 2001

    Remembering Sept. 11, 2001

    On the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Defense Department honors the memories of those who died at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pa. Special

  • National Preparedness 2016

    National Preparedness 2016

    DoD plays a vital role in supporting the U.S. government's preparations for and responses to a wide range of threats posing the greatest risks to national security -- threats that include acts of terrorism, cyber threats, pandemics, and catastrophic natural disasters. By collaborating, we can be prepared to meet these threats and to mitigate future crises. Partnering together where we work, live, learn and visit makes us all safer, stronger and more secure. Special

  • The Annual Combined Federal Campaign

    Defense Department employees worldwide have the opportunity to give to their favorite charities from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, through the annual Combined Federal Campaign. In his letter, Defense Secretary Ash Carter expressed his unwavering support for the campaign and strongly encourages members of the workforce to participate in any way they can. Special

  • Suicide Prevention

    Suicide Prevention: #BeThere - Your Action Could Save a Life

    We can all play a role in preventing suicide, but many people don't know what they can do to support the service member or veteran who is going through a difficult time. The Defense Department's theme for Suicide Prevention Month is: BeThere - your action could save a life. Special

  • ESGR Freedom Awards 2016

    ESGR Freedom Awards 2016

    The Defense Department honors 15 businesses and government organizations with the 2016 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award, the highest honor the department gives to employers who support employees who serve in the National Guard and reserve. Special

  • Department of Defense Transgender Policy

    Department of Defense Transgender Policy

    Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced a new Defense Department policy that allows service members to transition gender while serving. The policy sets standards for medical care and outlines responsibilities for military services and commanders to develop and implement guidance, training and specific policies in the near and long-term. Special

  • The DoD Family Delivers: Feds Fighting Hunger | Feds Feed Families

    Feds Feed Families

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture has launched the eighth annual Feds Feed Families campaign, which extends throughout the government. The Defense Department will play a vital role in the fight against hunger. Special

  • LGBT Pride Month 2016

    LGBT Pride Month 2016

    During the month of June, the Defense Department joins the nation in celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, or LGBT, Pride Month. During this time, the department recognizes lesbian, gay and bisexual service members and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civilians for their dedicated service to both the DoD mission and to our nation. Special

  • 72nd Anniversary of D-Day and the Invasion of Normandy

    72nd Anniversary of D-Day and the Invasion of Normandy

    On June 6, 1944, nearly 160,000 Allied troops landed along a heavily fortified, 50-mile stretch of French coastline in the historic operation known as D-Day. More than 9,000 Allied soldiers were killed or wounded on the beaches of Normandy, but by day’s end, the Allies had gained a foothold to begin liberating Europe. Special

  • Memorial Day 2016

    Memorial Day 2016

    Every year on the last Monday in May, the nation pauses to recognize the U.S. military's men and women who sacrificed their lives while serving their country. In this special report, the Defense Department shows how it honors the fallen while thanking military families and veterans in observances around the world. Special

  • 2016 Invictus Games

    2016 Invictus Games

    Military athletes from nations around the world participate in the Invictus Games, an international sporting event for wounded warriors to inspire recovery, support rehabilitation and generate a wider understanding and respect for those who serve their countries. Special

  • Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2016

    Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2016

    During May, the Defense Department pays tribute to the dedicated service and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, past and present, in defense of our nation. Special

  • Special Report: Month of the Military Child

    Month of the Military Child

    Military children make up a very special part of our nation's population. Although young, these brave sons and daughters stand in steadfast support of their military parents. To honor their unique contributions and sacrifices on behalf of our country, each April is designated the Month of the Military Child. Special

  • Special Report: Sexual Assault

    Sexual Assault: Awareness and Prevention

    The Defense Department is taking a stand against sexual assault in the military in an effort to maintain the well-being of U.S. service members and their families. Check out Defense.gov's special coverage, which includes information about resources dedicated to preventing and appropriately responding to this crime. Special

  • Women's History Month 2016

    Each March the Defense Department highlights the accomplishments and contributions of women to the nation. In proclaiming Women's History Month, President Barack Obama urged Americans to remember the trailblazers and to "honor their legacies by carrying forward the valuable lessons learned from the powerful examples they set." Special

  • Medal of Honor: Heroes of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

    Medal of Honor: Heroes of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

    The Medal of Honor is the United States' highest military decoration. Eleven service members have received the Medal of Honor since the global war on terror began following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. Special

  • Brain Injury Awareness Month 2016

    The purpose of Brain Injury Awareness Month is to demonstrate the Defense Department's commitment to traumatic brain injury, or TBI, awareness, and to educate and provide resources about brain injuries to service members, veterans, family members and health care professionals. Special

  • The Battle for Iwo Jima - 71st Anniversary

    The Battle for Iwo Jima - 71st Anniversary

    Seventy-one years after the Battle for Iwo Jima, the Defense Department remembers the courage and sacrifice of the service members who fought on the Pacific island, and those who gave their lives there. Special

  • FY2017 Defense Budget Proposal

    FY2017 Defense Budget Proposal

    Evolving challenges drive the Defense Department’s planning for its $582.7 billion fiscal year 2017 budget request, including Russian aggression in Europe, the rise of China in the Asia Pacific, North Korea, Iran, and the ongoing fight against terrorism, especially the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Special

  • National Black History Month 2016

    National Black History Month 2016

    The Defense Department observes National African American History Month in February by honoring the contributions of African Americans who work to keep the country safe. As the nation marks the 40th year of the observance, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation to urge Americans to reflect on the sacrifices African Americans have made for generations. Special

  • Elections 2016: Americans Can Vote - Wherever They Are

    Election Day, Nov. 8, 2016, is fast approaching. No matter where you are stationed, registering to vote and getting your absentee ballot is simple, fast and easy. Special

  • DoD Focus on Asia-Pacific Rebalance

    DoD Focus on Asia-Pacific Rebalance

    Defense leaders remain focused on efforts to strengthen relationships and modernize U.S. alliances in the Asia-Pacific region as a priority for 21st century security interests and sustaining U.S. global leadership. Special

  • Warrior Care

    The Defense Department honors the courage of wounded, ill or injured service members, and highlights the programs that support their return to duty or transition to the civilian community. Special

  • Operation Atlantic Resolve

    America's Continued Commitment to European Security

    The United States is demonstrating its continued commitment to collective security through a series of actions designed to reassure NATO allies and partners of America's dedication to enduring peace and stability in the region in light of the Russian intervention in Ukraine. Special

  • 2015 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award

    The Defense Department honors 15 businesses and government organizations with the 2015 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award, the highest honor the department gives to employers for support of National Guard and Reserve employees. Special

  • Force of the Future

    Force of the Future

    Defense Secretary Ash Carter is kicking off a national discussion on building "the force of the future" and what the Defense Department must do to change and adapt to maintain its superiority well into the 21st century. Special

  • Operation Inherent Resolve

    Operation Inherent Resolve
    Targeted Operations Against ISIL Terrorists

    The president has authorized U.S. Central Command to work with partner nations to conduct targeted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria as part of the comprehensive strategy to degrade and defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Special

  • The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy

    The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy

    The Defense Department's cyber strategy guides the development of DoD's cyber forces and seeks to strengthen cyber defense and cyber deterrence posture. It focuses on building cyber capabilities and organizations for DoD's three primary cyber missions. Special

  • Defense Department Science and Technology

    Defense Department Science and Technology

    Given today's globalized access to knowledge and the rapid pace of technology development, innovation, speed, and agility have taken on a greater importance. The Defense Department serves as an innovative leader in developing technology to protect Americans and troops - on and off the battlefield. Special

  • Biosurveillance


    Biological, chemical and nuclear terrorist attacks; extreme weather events; and emerging infectious diseases all pose security threats unbounded by state, country and regional borders. The Department of Defense uses global biosurveillance networks to identify and track such threats and to help defend the nation. Special

  • Sequestration: Across-the-Board Budget Cuts Could Threaten National Security

    Across-the-Board Budget Cuts Could Threaten National Security

    The nation's top defense leaders are urging Congress to move now to prevent major, across-the-board spending cuts. Special

  • Proliferation Security Initiative

    Proliferation Security Initiative

    The Proliferation Security Initiative is a global effort to stop trafficking of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems and related materials to and from actors of proliferation concern. U.S. involvement stems from a national strategy which recognizes the need for more robust tools to stop proliferation and identifies interdiction as an area of greater focus. Special

  • Quadrennial Defense Review

    Quadrennial Defense Review

    The Quadrennial Defense Review, or QDR, is a legislatively-mandated review of Defense Department strategy and priorities. The QDR will set a long-term course for DoD as it assesses the threats and challenges that the nation faces and re-balances DoD's strategies, capabilities, and forces to address today's conflicts and tomorrow's threats. Special

  • Nuclear Posture Review

    Nuclear Posture Review

    The Nuclear Posture Review is a legislatively-mandated review that establishes U.S. nuclear policy, strategy, capabilities and force posture for the next five to ten years. Special

  • Ballistic Missile Defense Review

    Ballistic Missile Defense Review

    The Ballistic Missile Defense Review, or BMDR, is a review conducted pursuant to guidance from the president and the secretary of defense, while also addressing the legislative requirement to assess U.S. ballistic missile defense policy and strategy. The BMDR will evaluate the threats posed by ballistic missiles and develop a missile defense posture to address current and future challenges. Special

  • Space Posture Review

    Space Posture Review

    The Space Posture Review, or SPR, is a legislatively-mandated review of U.S. national security space policy and objectives, conducted jointly by the secretary of defense and the director of national intelligence. The Defense Department and intelligence community have concluded the SPR by releasing a National Security Space Strategy. Special

  • National Security Space Strategy

    National Security Space Strategy

    The National Security Space Strategy, or NSSS, is a pragmatic approach to maintain the advantages derived from space while confronting the challenges of an evolving space strategic environment. It is the first such strategy jointly signed by the secretary of defense and director of national intelligence. The themes of the NSSS are reflected in the DoD Strategic Guidance and are being implemented by DoD space policy and other efforts. Special