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 ARRA Funding Status Report as of December 2012

Total ARRA Funding
as of December 31, 2012
Funds Awarded – Contracts, Grants, Loans $283,082,852,208
Entitlements Paid Out $237,958,175,112
Tax Credits Paid Out $290,700,000,000
Grants in Lieu of Tax Credits $22,000,000,000
Total $804,222,295,642

Contract, Grant, and Loan ARRA Funds
as of December 31, 2012
Appropriations $296,608,084,469
Funds Awarded $283,082,852,208
Funds to be Awarded $6,386,473,139
Expired Funds $2,540,646,818

In early 2012, the Board initiated a project to review the status of all ARRA funding. Starting with the appropriations specified by Congress in the Recovery Act, the goal was to determine, agency by agency, the total funds awarded, the funds still to be awarded, and any expired funds.

The Board collected data on contract, grant, and loan awards, plus funds paid out for entitlements, tax credits, and Grants in Lieu of Tax Credits (two Treasury Department cash payment programs) to produce the overall picture of ARRA funding. After the June 12, 2012 data was posted,  the Board collected the data as of December 31, 2012. However, the Tax Credit data has not been updated because the Office of Tax Analysis submitted final data on the ARRA tax credits in June 2012.  ARRA spending data for the Inspectors General was also collected as of December 31, 2012.

Excel Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlement Details
RecoveryLogo Tax Credit Details
RecoveryLogo Inspector General Funding Status Report

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Terms Used in This Report


   Amounts designated by Congress for specific programs

funds awarded:

   Amounts distributed by agencies in the form of contract, grant, and loan awards

to be awarded:

   Difference between the appropriations and the funds awarded


   Amounts that agencies did not distribute by the deadlines in the Recovery Act, deadlines in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), or deadlines set by the Office of Management and Budget.
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In the Recovery Act, Congress designated specific amounts for programs, such as broadband, medical research, clean water, and high speed rail. Entitlements and tax credits do not receive appropriations.

Excel Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlement Details

Bar chart showing all Recovery Act Agency Appropriations. See Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlements Details spreadsheet for all data displayed in this chart.
Click image to enlarge
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Funds Awarded

Bar chart showing all Recovery Funds Awarded by Agency. See Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlements Details spreadsheet for all data displayed in this chart.
Click image to enlarge

Every agency receiving ARRA appropriations distributed the funding in the form of contract, grant, and loan awards. Each week, the agencies are required to submit Financial and Activity reports outlining the cumulative amounts of the awards made to states, non-profit organizations, universities, and large and small companies.

Excel Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlement Details

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Funds To Be Awarded

The funds awarded as of December 31, 2012 were subtracted from the appropriation amounts to arrive at the total funds the agency still had left to be awarded.

Excel Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlement Details

Bar chart showing all Recovery Funds to be Awarded, by Agency. See Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlements Details spreadsheet for all data displayed in this chart.
Click image to enlarge
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Expired Funds

Bar chart showing all Recovery Funds that have expired, by Agency. See Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlements Details spreadsheet for all data displayed in this chart.
Click image to enlarge

In order to push ARRA funding into the economy quickly, Congress set specific deadlines in the Recovery Act for the federal agencies to distribute the funds. Of the $297  billion appropriated for contracts, grants, and loans, as of December 31, 2012 more than $2.5 billion expired — meaning the appropriations were not awarded or used within specified time frames. Agencies might also have adjusted an award amount if funds were returned to the agency.

The expired funds are kept on an agency’s books for five years to cover invoices for the projects. At the end of the five years, the funds are returned to the Treasury. In addition to the deadlines in the Act, the Dodd-Frank Act and the Office of Management and Budget also gave agencies deadlines to distribute funds.

Excel Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlement Details

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Recipient Reported Information

To provide transparency on all ARRA funding and awards, the Board pulled the data reported by the recipients of ARRA contract, grant, and loan awards as of December 31, 2012. The recipients had reported on 278,490 awards and indicated that cumulatively from February 2009, the total amount awarded for contracts, grants, and loans was more than $275B and the total received amount was approximately $231B.

Excel Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlement Details

Recipient Reported Information
as of December 31, 2012
Amount Awarded $275,171,135,956
Amount Received $230,927,944,074

Methodology for Collecting Data

screenshot of the projects in progress map
Click image to enlarge

The appropriation amounts were gathered directly from the Recovery Act; the funds-awarded amounts for contract, grants, loans, and entitlements were gathered from the weekly Financial and Activity Reports submitted by the agencies; and the tax credit data was gathered from the IRS.

To determine the funds still to be awarded, the funds awarded were subtracted from the appropriations amounts. Using deadlines designated in the Recovery Act for certain programs, the deadline of December 31, 2012 for awarding all Recovery funds in the Dodd-Frank Act, and deadlines in guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget, the Board staff was able to establish the expired funds for each agency.

The Board staff and the Inspectors General at each of the 28 agencies receiving ARRA funds worked with the agencies to verify the data and, when necessary, send corrections or changes to the Board. The data will be updated quarterly.

Excel Contract, Grant, Loan and Entitlement Details

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