
bobby approved

  Iowa Workforce Access
430 E Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50309
Telephone: (515) 281- 9045
FAX: (515) 281- 9096


Iowa Employment & Disability
Creating A Stronger Workforce for Iowa

Individuals with Disabilities Nearly one-fifth of Iowa's population is identified as having a disability, and 9% of these individuals have a disability that greatly affects their presence in the workforce.  Iowa enjoys a relatively low unemployment rate, yet people with a disability hover at an unemployment rate of nearly 40%. The Governor’s 21st Century Workforce Council report indicated 87,000 Iowans with disabilities are either unemployed or underemployed, and cited the group as a "largely untapped reservoir of workers." It should be noted that individuals with reported, diagnosed, and visible disabilities comprise only a small portion of Iowans with disabilities.  Employment is a key component in building assets for Iowans with disabilities. Finding new, inventive ways to include people with disabilities in the workforce benefits both employers and Iowans.

All of Iowa's workforce centers are Social Security Administration approved Employment Networks under the Ticket to Work program. Regional Contact Information

Home | Additional Information for Employers | Employers | Forms  | Hiring Assistance for Employers
Job Accommodations | Job Seeker | Job Seeker Benefits | Job Seeker Readiness
Contact Information | Services for Specific Populations |
Tax Incentives | Ticket to Work | Quick Links

America's Workforce Network

IWD Is Member Of
 America's Workforce Network.

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