The NHLBI and the ARRA

The NHLBI will receive about 10% of the $7.4 billion provided to NIH Institutes and Centers to support scientific research.  The Institute’s funding plan strikes an important balance between increasing the number of investigator-initiated research grants and commitment to signature projects through the following mechanisms:

NHLBI Research Grants

  • Expansion of FY 2008 and FY 2009 Paylines*
    • Fund highly meritorious R01 applications and similar mechanisms that rank from the 15.1 through the 25 percentile and are capable of making significant advances with a two-year grant
    • Award early-stage investigators up to the 35th percentile. The first two years will be paid with ARRA funds and the remaining years will be funded using usual appropriated funds
    • Award new investigator R01 applications that rank from the 20.1 to the 30.0 percentile and are capable of making significant advances in two years

    *Note: Eligible applicants will be notified by the NHLBI

NHLBI Participation in NIH-Wide Recovery Act RFAs

NHLBI Participation in NIH-Wide Administrative Supplements

Note:  The NHLBI plans to fund an extremely small number of contracts and does not plan to fund Competitive Revision Awards (competitive supplements)

The NHLBI must obligate all stimulus funds by September 2010. All ARRA awards will come with special reporting requirements that demonstrate how the project meets the objectives of the Recovery Act.

To apply for most NIH grants, organizations must register at both and eRA Commons. Please visit Registration Requirements for Electronic Submission for more details.

Important Links

Information from the White House and President Obama

Recovery Information from Health and Human Services

NIH's Role in ARRA

NIH's Recovery Site

Message from the NHLBI Director

Information on the Implementation of the Recovery Act

Final Legislation (PDF)

Inspector General (IG)

Apply or bid for grants, contracts, loans, or loan guarantees at or