
The ARM Climate Research Facility establishes and operates field research sites to study the effects of aerosols, precipitation, surface flux, and clouds on global climate change. Three primary locations—Southern Great Plains, North Slope of Alaska, and Eastern North Atlantic—represent the broad range of climate conditions around the world. ARM sites at these locations are heavily instrumented to gather massive amounts of climate data. Using these data, scientists are studying the effects and interactions of sunlight, radiant energy, and clouds to understand their impact on temperatures, weather, and climate.

In addition to our fixed facilities, the ARM Mobile Facilities is designed to obtain atmospheric measurements similar to those at the other ARM sites for periods up to a year at a time anywhere in the world. The ARM Aerial Facility obtains aerial measurements above ARM sites and AMF deployments. These measurements contribute to specific science questions proposed by the ARM user community.

Data from past deployments and the Tropical Western Pacific site are a valuable asset to researchers worldwide and are easily accessible from the ARM Data Archive.

Marker Definitions: Using the Map:

Site Marker ARM Site

Mobile Facility Marker Mobile Facility

Site Marker Inactive Site

Site Marker Future Site

Building Marker Building Location

Instrument Marker Instrument Location

Site Marker Mobile Facility- Inactive

  • Click on a map marker to zoom in on a site.
  • Pan and zoom using buttons in bottom right corner.
  • Mouse over a marker to view site title.
  • Double-click anywhere on map to return to global view.
  • Partially transparent markers indicate inactive sites (though past data are still available).