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Catalog Search Tips

The National Agricultural Library catalog provides citations to agricultural literature and related life sciences.

Simple Search

To search for articles or books:

  • Type in your keyword(s), like green technology, and select Search.
  • The default Boolean operator is "and."
  • Do not use quotes, truncation (*), or Boolean operators (and, or, not).

For more advanced options, search the NAL Catalog directly.

Search Results

  • Display order

    The retrieved results will be ranked by date.

  • Refining Results

    Select Post Limit to refine results by language, date, material type (article, book, video, etc.), date range, place of publication, or publication status.

  • Selecting, E-mailing and Printing Results
From the box at the bottom of the results page you can print, save, or e-mail selected titles or the complete results list.

    Check the box next to the titles that interest you and click Retain Selected.

    To print or save your selections:

  • Click Format for Print or Save to get a printable list of your citations.
  • Use the browser's menu to then print or save.

    To e-mail citations, type your e-mail address into the box provided and select E-mail.

  • If you do not receive your email results in a few minutes, check your spam filter.