U.S. Commerce Dept.Conta verificada


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Participa desde fevereiro de 2010

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  1. Hurricane Katrina: 10 yrs later - ’s Office of looks back

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  2. U.S. Commerce Secretary tours - Newswatch

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  3. US, Mexico Open New Rail Link

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  4. A summary of New Orleans Entrepreneurial Twitter Chat

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  5. . supports Invention, Innovation and Economic Growth in the Gulf & across the Country

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  6. “Here, when you start something, it’s more than a business. It’s a community in a sense." via

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  7. Entrepreneurs are helping to rebuild NOLA, keep it's charm, while yet capitalizing on mrkt opp in region.

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  8. Thanks to everyone for joining our chat today. Look for a wrap up and summary soon.

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  9. Advice: Leverage the existing ecosystem of support, anchor institutions and institutional knowledge.

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  10. Strength: Robust ecosystem that supports and grows entrepreneurs

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  11. . to answer your question on how NOLA's entrepreneurial activity compares to other places:

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  12. In NOLA it's crucial to connect w clients on a personal level. The history, culture & pride is so rich.

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  13. Strength: Culture of entrepreneurship integrated into the fabric of the Gulf Coast community & New Orleans

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  14. Embracing. Collaborative. RT Hows New Orleans/Gulf Coast entrepreneurial activity & energy compared to other places?

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  15. . has the #1 fastest growing sector in America

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  16. Some resources for companies... Business Alliance (NOLABA) The Mayors Office

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  17. Best advice for entrepreneurs, asks on ? At The Village, we like to say...

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  18. "If you don’t love it, no matter how much money you make, you’ll be miserable." Melisa Kennedy Hotel GM in NOLA

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  19. . is a great resource for intl.companies looking to invest in New Orleans!

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  20. Our NOLA BizCtr over the last 3 years have helped clients obtain over $200 million in capital & contracts

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