DoD InspectorGeneralHitelesített felhasználó


We provide independent, relevant & timely oversight of DoD that promotes accountability, integrity & efficiency.

Alexandria, Virginia
Csatlakozott 2011. szeptember

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  1. Former official pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators to conceal ownership of a company

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  2. Joint investigation found former official lied to conceal his ownership of a private company

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  3. retweetelte

    Operation Inherent Resolve Quarterly Report released

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  4. We recommend officials modify non-compliant contracts to include appropriate clauses

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  5. . personnel didn’t assess if suppliers could provide US-made items & omitted Berry Amendment contract clause

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  6. In response to a FY2014 requirement we reviewed compliance w/ the Berry Amendment & Buy American Act

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  7. . contracting personnel didn’t consistently comply w/ the Buy American Act for 12 of 32 contracts reviewed

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  8. retweetelte
    aug. 25.

    New: Operation Inherent Resolve Quarterly Report issued

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  9. Settlement resolved allegations contractor knowingly provided RF filters & ICE equipment that didn’t meet specs

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  10. Civil settlement resolved lawsuit filed under False Claims Act provision

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  11. retweetelte
    aug. 25.

    Know Your Rights! Learn more OIG

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  12. Investigation by , , & NCIS leads to $2.8 mil settlement to resolve False Claims Act allegations

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  13. retweetelte
    aug. 25.

    Operation Inherent Resolve Quarterly Report issued

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  14. Man pleads guilty to conspiring to steal prescription drugs from after investigation by

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  15. We recommended update RCC training & Procedural Manual to comply w/ Policy

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  16. We recommended verify contracting officials performed contract surveillance IAW FARs & DFARs

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  17. New Report: for Operation Inherent Resolve: Quarterly Report to

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  18. We found revised training didn’t provide RCCs with tools to ensure recovering had ownership of CRPs

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  19. officials didn't fully implement corrective actions as agreed to in IG Report No. DODIG-2012-067

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