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Reston, VA
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  1. The beautiful view of the waterfall in Sioux Falls, SD—city also home to EROS data center:

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  2. What an explosion! Craters created to simulate lunar impact craters. Cinder Lakes Crater Field, AZ. 1968

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  3. Going…and almost gone! Two of the approx. 26 remaining glaciers at , MT

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  4. Katrina & Rita combined destroyed 217 sq mi of Louisiana’s coast:

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  5. USGS mapped coastal landloss that made Katrina’s stormsurge worse:

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  6. USGS showed “toxic soup” neither toxic nor soup:

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  7. We rushed output of 33 USGS invented stormsurge sensors in 26 days before Rita hit:

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  8. USGS created 3 new types of storm gauges in response to Katrina:

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  9. USGS crews rescued more than 600 people from rooftops & porches:

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  10. USGS helped map 911 calls when roadsigns were underwater:

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  11. 10 years ago today, Katrina made 1st landfall in Florida:

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  12. , a mecca for rock lovers!

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  13. 26 de ago

    Somewhere over the rainbow…in this case, over Yukon River, Eagle, AK

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  14. 25 de ago

    Water is unusual in that the solid, ice, is less dense than the liquid, which is why ice floats.

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  15. 25 de ago

    FAQ What is the most frequently occurring city, town, village name in the United States?

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  16. 25 de ago

    3D & Photographic Tours of the National Parks

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  17. 25 de ago

    [PUB] Review of the USA National Phenology Network Circular 1411

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  18. 25 de ago

    Managing the requires sound science-here are examples:

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  19. 25 de ago

    aren't immune to natural hazards-see how we help:

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  20. 25 de ago

    are fee-free today! See the science we do all year long:

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