Alex HowardGeverifieerd account


Dad, husband, citizen, cyclist. Senior Editor, Tech & Society, . Alumnus: .

Washington, DC
Geregistreerd in maart 2007

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  1. "data suggests is…where 10s of millions of men write mail, chat & spend $ for women who aren’t there"

    Vertaald uit het Engels door

  2. This analysis by is 1 of the best examples of treating data as a source I’ve read:

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  3. 400 workers polled online said they spend 6.3 hours/day "checking email." Hmm. Vs. 6 hrs/week?

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  4. Americans use their phones to be social & anti-social. (Mostly, social, though.)

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  5. 9% of American adults aged 18-29 think using a cellphone in a church is OK.

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  6. Older Americans are far more bothered by public phone use at social events than younger folks.

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  7. 82% of American adults say using phones in social gatherings hurts conversations. 89% do so.

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  8. When do American adults say it’s OK to use your cellphone? asked:

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  9. Social justice has been part of journalism for decades. Cf. muckrakers: Team :

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  10. I downloaded & installed f.lux for my Mac. Digging the warmer glow. New backwards alarm clock:

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  11. A headline for our times: "Hacker killed in drone strike." reports US DoD hit a member of in Syria.

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  12. Transparent as possible? Clinton could’ve given IG digital email archive in March.

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  13. “Every time I go to a new country, I buy a SIM card and activate the Internet and download the map to locate myself”

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  14. We can also choose not to record & share the worst moments of someone’s life – or its end.

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  15. We can choose not to share social videos of death, denying a shooter's a goal. We aren’t unable to do so, contrary to ’s assertion.

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  16. Today, we lived an episode of Black Mirror. Some people couldn’t turn it off, here. This is an unwelcome novelty.

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  17. Thank you, . Safe bet that journalists will fight for public speech by public figures to be remembered.

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  18. Apple has Siri, has “OK, __,” has Cortana, has …M? A personal assistant in Messenger?

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  19. heeft geretweet

    UPDATE: State police now say man suspected of killing two WDBJ7 employees shot himself, and he is still alive

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  20. The is covering today’s shooting in Virginia: Suspect identified, at large.

    Vertaald uit het Engels door

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